Mapping Deer Trails with GPS by Andy Eklof and Randy Klatt
What Vegetation Types Do Deer Prefer?
Our Hypothesis: Deer Prefer Areas Dominated By Oak, Aspen, and Pine Vegetation.
Where Did We Get The Background For Our Hypothesis? “Deer trail abundance suggested a strong preference for open, aspen, and jack pine habitats. Lower deer use occurred in oak and red pine habitats…….If the management objective is to maintain the existing deer habitat suitability in central Wisconsin, we recommend maintaining as much of the existing open, aspen, and jack pine habitats as possible.” -Habitat Relationships of Deer and Ruffed Grouse in Central Wisconsin John F. Kubisiak and Robert E. Rolley Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Research Report #176, March 1998
“Deer trail abundance suggested a strong preference for open, aspen, and jack pine habitats. Lower deer use occurred in oak and red pine habitats…….If the management objective is to maintain the existing deer habitat suitability in central Wisconsin, we recommend maintaining as much of the existing open, aspen, and jack pine habitats as possible.” -Habitat Relationships of Deer and Ruffed Grouse in Central Wisconsin by John F. Kubisiak and Robert E. Rolley
Where And When Did We Perform Our Research?
Air photo of the Beaver Creek Field Research Station
How Did We Record The Deer Trails?
What Did We Do With Our Recorded Data?
How Did We Know What Vegetation Dominated The Area Where We Did Our Research?
What Type of Vegetation Did Deer Prefer?
What Type of Vegetation Did The Deer Prefer The Most?
Travel Distances by Vegetation Type
To Summarize “Deer trail abundance suggested a strong preference for open, aspen, and jack pine habitats. Lower deer use occurred in oak and red pine habitats…….” While we found that deer prefer vegetation dominated by oak and pine, they also prefer open fields surrounded by oak and pine vegetation. Original Hypothesis Our Findings
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