Chris Porter Facility Manager Use of Volunteers at Tadcaster Swimming Pool
History Identified a lack of Facilities 1992 – Community formed a fundraising group Charitable Trust was formed Three breweries collaborated, donated land, capital and materials. Cost was £2m opened December m Main Pool, Teaching Pool and a 16 station Fitness Suite
History continued Trustees – Sought a manager with experience of working with a Trust & Volunteers. Recruited local volunteers Trained in all areas of the Facility Opened with volunteers from day one! - Supported by 8 fulltime employees
Mission Statement: To construct, maintain and operate a swimming pool for the benefit of improving the conditions of life, for the residents and visitors to the town and vicinity of Tadcaster. Under Review – no mention of volunteers!!! Trusts Objectives
Current Structure 5 x Voluntary Trustees 1 x Facility Manager 3 x Assistant Managers 3 x Sports Supervisors 3 x Sports Apprentices 10 x Casuals Employees and Swimming Instructors Over 100 Volunteers!!!
Volunteer Roles Volunteer Lifeguards Receptionists Swim Squad Coaches Swimming Instructors Gardeners & Maintenance Fitness Instructors Fundraising Committee
Volunteers – who they are? Retired people Students Full-time workers Part-time workers Redundant workers Unemployed
Recruitment NPLQ Course – Free of charge Advertising & Website Word of mouth – regular customers Relationships with schools, colleges and universities Presentations with local groups Community Days and Fundraising events
Training NPLQ training sessions Reception Training & Cash handling Maintenance training Fundraising IT and Computing Customer Service ― Large role of the Full-time employees
Benefits for the Trust Improved Atmosphere Volunteers want to be here Wide range of skills and expertise Community cohesion Flexibility – respond to demand Employment – Commercial perspective
Benefits Cost saving of £80,000 per year Approx 150 hours per week are covered by volunteers ― The Trust would not be able to operate without the dedication of its volunteers (we don’t keep this a secret)
Volunteer Benefits Reduced rates for Swimming and Fitness Free use of the Facility at certain times Gain nationally recognised Qualifications Social aspect Improves C.V’s and UCAS applications Sense of achievement Flexibility around commiments
Motivation How do we keep volunteers motivated? Regular training Nationally recognized qualifications Quarterly Social events Involve them in ideas and events Appreciation!!!
Success Stories Non Swimmer to Swimming Teacher & Lifeguard Volunteer to Deputy Manager Casual Swimmer to Chair of Trustees Apprentice to Facility Manager
Tile Failure Pool Tile failure closed the pool for 8 months No payout from the insurance or building contractors. Cost of repair £150,000 Impact on the community
The Outcome £50,000 from Sport England £25,000 from the Local Authority £5,000 from the Town Council £50,000 from Sponsor-a-tile appeal Other community events
Volunteer Stats According to NCVO – National Councils of Voluntary Organisations 17.1 million adults in England volunteered formally over the last 12 months. Around one million full-time workers would be needed to replace them, at a cost of £18 billion to the economy. 22% Volunteered at Sports and exercise-based organisations.
Volunteers are out there! In 2011 we recruited more volunteers then ever! ― People who have been made redundant ― Job losses ― Early retirement ― University students ― Duke of Edinburgh students Example of last two recruits: Health & Safety executive – local company Head of Sales & Marketing at a large Insurance Company
Thank You Any Questions?
Tadcaster Community Swimming Pool Trust Westgate, Tadcaster North Yorkshire LS24 9AB