Our habitat is the woodlands. Coniferous forests have evergreen trees. Conifers keep their needle like leaves all year. The seeds fall out in warm weather. There are deciduous forests in many parts of the world, too. In autumn the leaves turn many bright colors. By winter the trees have shed their leaves. By summer trees are covered in green again. Old growth forests look very different from one another. Old growth forests may be hundreds or thousands of years old. Many of these places are protected but some are in danger. Humans can damage or destroy them. Once gone these old growth forests many never return. A sequoia tree can live for more than 3,000 years.
The animals in the woodlands are deer, raccoons, and woodpeckers. The plants in the woodlands are columbine, dogwood, and spring beauty.
There are many types of interactions going on in the woodlands. One interaction is between animal and plant. The masked weaver makes a nest from plant parts. One interesting fact about the woodland is some birds Such as woodcocks nest on the woodland floors and their mottled plumage helps hide themselves.