Warm Up How do you believe culture is impacted by geography? How were the Northerners lifestyle shaped by the climate and geography they lived in?
Objective SWBAT identify the culture and lifestyles of the Plains people.
Plains people video clip You will be shown a short video on the Great Plains as an introduction to this lesson. Please record: Three facts Two opinions One question.
Who can recall what the term nomadic means? (Turn and talk) The Great Plains people were nomadic. (The Crow, The Comanche, and The Lakota)
The people of the Great Plains were nomadic. Their villages were temporary, lasting only for a growing season or two. What kinds of crops do you think these people relied on? (Turn and talk) The women planted maize, squash, and beans. The men hunted antelope, deer, and buffalo.
Plains People What is this?
Plains People Tepees were used as housing because it was easy to transport. Why would they want a home that they could easily transport? (Turn and talk)
Plains People When the people moved from place to place, they dragged their homes- cone shaped skin tents called tepees behind them.
Plains People Buffalo Buffalo were used to fulfill basic need. What are some ways buffalo could fulfill these needs? (Turn and talk) 1. Skin was used for clothing and shelter 2. Bones were used for tools and weapons 3. Meat was used for food
Guided Practice Take out your graphic organizer Together as a class we will review the information.
Independent Work Take 5 minutes and reflect on the following question in a 5-7 sentence paragraph: Why were Buffalo such an important part of the Plains peoples lives?
Group Work Each group will be assigned a specific topic (habitat, food, clothing, or geography). Recall the information you learned today about the plains people, and yesterday about the Northern people. Compare and contrast via Venn Diagram the lifestyle of the Northerners, and the Plains people. After completion of the diagram, explain why location is important to each groups lives.
Closure Lets have the groups present their findings to the class.
Homework 1.What did the Great Plains people use for habitats? 2.Why did they want a habitat that was easy to transport? 3.Why were buffalo an important resource for the Plains people?