Title II, Part A, Division Improvement Procedures for Compliance with Section 2141 of Title II, Part A Virginia Department of Education
Overview of Presentation Define school division accountability provisions under Section 2141 Ensure understanding of requirements for divisions identified for improvement under Section 2141
Purpose of Title II, Part A Primary focus: Original target date for 100 percent Highly Qualified Teachers (HQT): June 30, 2006 Teacher Quality [Public Law , Section 1119(a)(1-2)]
Title II, Part A, Section 2141 Accountability Provisions Part A: Improvement plans Part B: Technical assistance Part C: Financial agreements
Title II, Part A, Division Improvement Plans: Section 2141(a) Requirements If a school division fails to meet the 100 percent highly qualified teacher goal for two consecutive years, the division must develop an improvement plan to address the specific reasons preventing the division from meeting this goal In Virginia, all divisions that have not met this goal must outline its plan within the annual application for funds under the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001.
Title II, Part A, Division Improvement Plans: Section 2141(a) Requirements Any division that has not yet met the 100 percent HQT goal must: Include at least one measurable objective with a timeline for attainment. Outline scientifically-based actions for attainment of the objective(s). Identify and address current and anticipated hard-to- fill areas. Indicate specific strategies and funding source(s).
Section 2141(b) Requirements (b) TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE- During the development of the improvement plan described in subsection (a) and throughout implementation of the plan, the state educational agency shall — (1) provide technical assistance to the local educational agency; and (2) provide technical assistance, if applicable, to schools served by the local educational agency that need assistance to enable the local educational agency to meet the annual measurable objectives described in Section 1119(a)(2).
Technical Assistance Title II, Part A, Division Watch list webinar Targeted federal program monitoring on-site visits for divisions in HQT Improvement 2141(c) compliance webinars and individualized assistance upon release of HQT and AYP data Individualized assistance during development of plan
Title II, Part A, Division Improvement: Section 2141(c) If a division has not made division AYP for three consecutive years AND has not met the 100 percent HQT goal for three consecutive years, then the division must enter into an agreement with the state on the use of its Title II, Part A, funds.
Title II, Part A, Division Improvement: Section 2141(c) Plan must be developed with involvement of teachers and principals Evidence must be provided that Title II, Part A, funding is targeted to specific schools/subject areas of greatest need to assist the division in meeting HQT and AYP requirements
Title II, Part A, Division Improvement: Section 2141(c) Title I, Part A, funding may not be used to pay for any new paraprofessional, except: To fill a vacancy created by the departure of a Title I paraprofessional When there is a significant influx of population that substantially increased student enrollment When there is an increased need for translators or assistance with parental involvement activities
Title II, Part A, Financial Agreement
Title II, Part A, Division Improvement Planning Process See Section 2141 pages of application. Identify schools and/or subject areas of greatest need. Meet with leadership teams at identified schools. Describe factors preventing attainment of HQT and AYP targets. Outline how Title II, Part A, funds will be used to address areas of need. Include timeline and plan for evaluating results.
Priorities for Funding Ensuring 100 percent HQT in federal core content areas at all schools: Elementary English/Language Arts Mathematics Science Social Science (history, geography, economics, civics, government) Foreign Language Arts (Music, Visual Arts) Special Education
Priorities for Funding Target to schools with lowest HQT percentages: Coursework to assist non-HQT Content specific preparation and testing Recruitment and retention of HQT
Priorities for Funding Activities to ensure attainment of AYP targets: Professional development targeted to identified schools and/or content areas Teacher coaching and mentoring programs (salaries are allowable)
Allowable Funding Class-size reduction (limited use only) Must be based on results of annual needs assessment Must be based on evidence of effectiveness of prior use (improving HQT or student achievement) May only be targeted to schools with: 1) largest class sizes; 2) lowest HQT; or 3) identified for improvement May not use 100 percent of funds for class-size reduction if identified for improvement under Section 2141(c) Must include explanation of how this strategy is expected to improve HQT and/or AYP attainment in improvement plan
Agreement on Use of Funds Until plan is satisfactorily outlined, application will not be approved. Until application receives final approval, funds are not released to school division.
Frequently Asked Questions Is this the same as Title I Division Improvement? No, different criteria are used to determine division improvement status for Title I (and Title III or other programs).
Frequently Asked Questions How long does the improvement status stay in effect? The plans should be implemented for one full year. If HQT or AYP goals are met during that year, the division will exit Title II, Part A, improvement status for the following year.
Frequently Asked Questions When will final determinations be made? Final determinations will be made and divisions will be notified as soon as verified HQT reports for are available.
Frequently Asked Questions Are there specific dollar amounts or percentages of funds that must be applied to HQT and/or AYP strategies? The law does not mandate specific percentages, but expects targeting of funds based on specific needs of particular schools.
Contact Information Carol Sylvester Title II, Part A, specialist (804) Lolethia Kibble Title II, Part A, specialist (804)