Maine Watershed Boundary Dataset Coastal DelineationsCoastal Delineations International Border HarmonizationInternational Border Harmonization
New Hampshire Quebec, CA New Brunswick, CA Atlantic Ocean
– Coastal Washington & Hancock Counties, Maine 1 st Iteration (early to mid-90s) of WBD stopped at land’s edge, Islands > 10,000 acres coded Marine waters and small islands ignored
Ragged Coastline = Edge Habitat Diversity Terrestrial Fresh Aquatic Ocean Aquatic Intertidal
Habitat Diversity Shellfish beds
Habitat Diversity Shellfish beds ESA-listed animals
Habitat Diversity Shellfish beds ESA-listed animals Bald Eagle nests
Habitat Diversity Shellfish beds ESA-listed animals Bald Eagle nests Deer Wintering Areas
Habitat Diversity Shellfish beds ESA-listed animals Bald Eagle nests Deer Wintering Areas Tidal Waterfowl
Habitat Diversity Shellfish beds ESA-listed animals Bald Eagle nests Deer Wintering Areas Tidal Waterfowl Shorebirds, SNI
Habitat Diversity Shellfish beds ESA-listed animals Bald Eagle nests Deer Wintering Areas Tidal Waterfowl Shorebirds, SNI Shellfish, Eelgrass Beds
Blue Hill-Mt. Desert Frontal Drainages Frenchman’s Bay
ESA-listed Atlantic Salmon Rivers US Fish & Wildlife Service Atlantic Salmon Commission Shortnosed Sturgeon NOAA Coastal Fisheries
Conservation Partners that the WBD Brings to the Table Maine Dept. of Environmental Protection –Water Quality regulation –305b/303d reporting Maine Dept. of Marine Resources –Shellfish Bed monitoring and closures Maine Inland Fisheries & Wildlife Maine Natural Areas Programs Maine State Planning Office NOAA Coastal Fisheries US Fish & Wildlife Service
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Maine Watershed Boundary Dataset International Border Harmonization
WBD 5 St. John River Sub-basins form the roof of Maine Eastern edge incomplete, doesn’t meet standard NHD Incomplete, stops at Canadian border Quebec New Brunswick
Similar problem on the Canadian side
International Joint CommissionInternational Joint Commission The IJC prevents and resolves disputes between the USA and Canada under the 1909 Boundary Waters Treaty and pursues the common good of both countries as an independent and objective advisor to the two governments. Transboundary Hydrographic Dataset Harmonization Task Force (THDHTF)Transboundary Hydrographic Dataset Harmonization Task Force (THDHTF) –Mike Laitta, of USGS fame, facilitating communication between US and Canada WBD/NHD counterparts. –WebEx –Face-to-face meeting 4/9/2009 between New Brunswick and Maine re: HUC8-CAN4 polygons.
Passamaquoddy Bay- Bay of Fundy St. Croix River
The Devil’s in the details. The Prestile/Meduxnekeag Sub-basin has 2 pourpoints. Two small, previously undefined drainage areas we know drain to the St. John.
The St. John Basin will have 15 sub-basins. New polygons will be the templates for completing the NHD/NHN harmonization. Upper St. John will be split into 4 sub-basins along HUC10 boundaries.