AP WORLD HISTORY POD #14 – Age of Transition Commercial Revolution
Class Discussion Questions McKay – “Towns and Economic Revival”, pp
What was the essential pre-step in the rise and development of towns? “Without increased agricultural output there would not have been an adequate food supply for new town dwellers. Without a rise in population there would have been no one to people the towns. Without a minimum of peace and political stability merchants could not have transported or sold goods.” Home to a new social class of artisans and merchants – the middle class (bourgeoisie) This new class came from the peasantry as a land shortage drove younger sons into new lines of work
What theories have been proposed to explain the rise of medieval towns? Towns were areas of defense from Viking invaders Long distance merchants needed forts for protection Cathedrals and monasteries created a population center as merchants and students relocated to these areas
Describe the town and its environment. Walls for protection A marketplace – nearly every street Had a mint for coining money Had a court to settle disputes Space was limited – upward expansion Housing lacked light and fresh air Housing of wood and straw were fire hazards
Who are the bourgeoisie? This is the new rising middle class Composed of the merchant and artisan class Gained a new wealth not attached to land and property holdings (nuvo riche) Cities served as a place of opportunity – economic advancement, upward social mobility, improved legal status
What liberties were present in the town? The clergy and nobility were suspicious of the middle class Nobles started to warm to the middle class merchants 11 th – 13 th – middle class attempted to gain new liberties or privileges Most important privilege – personal freedom Personal freedom meant being free from servile obligations and citizenship Citizenship – brought the right to buy and sell goods Full citizens were exempt from market tolls and taxes
What was the role and function of the guilds? A union of workers Merchant Guild – united enterprise / lessened financial risk by pooling resources / greater investment security Craft Guild – controlled the number of workers – apprentice, journeyman, and master / controlled the quality of goods, controlled the quantity of goods / controlled the price of goods Craft Guilds provided greater opportunity for women than did merchant guilds Guild leaders became the oligarchy of the town
What was the Hanseatic League? Mercantile association of towns Members had exclusive trading rights A monopoly was established when possible Created mutual security agreements 13 th -16 th Century – controlled trade along the Novgorod-Reval-Lubeck-Hamburg-Bruges- London Axis Factories were created where all facets of trade business could be housed
What new business practices facilitated the commercial revolution? Expanding international trade New money was put into circulation as new silver deposits were discovered Mutual confidence – this was an early form of credit Led to bill of exchange This made trade safer as large amounts of money were no longer needed
What was the social, political, and economic impact of the commercial revolution? While only 10% of the population, the commercial class became influential New wealth – higher standard of living Kings could tax new wealth – a strong monarch could evolve Serfs could improve status by becoming merchants Europe was changing from rural to urban