Broken Bones Warning…really gross pictures…
Simple Fracture: bone does not break skin
Compound Fracture: bone sticks out of skin
Unset bone
Comminuted Fracture: bone shatters
Compression: bone “squishes”
Depression fracture
Spiral Fracture
Greenstick Fracture: bone doesn’t break all the way through, see this in little kids
Healed Bone
Closed reduction-by hand
Open Reduction-surgery
1. skull 2. Ribs 3. humerus 4. ulna 5. radius 6. carpals 7. metacarpals 8. phalanges 9. scapula 10. vertebrae 11. pelvis 12. Femur 13. Tibia (thick) 14. Fibula (fine) 15. Tarsals 16. Metatarsals 17. Phalanges 18. Sternum 19. Xyphoid process 20 saccrum 21. Mandible 22. Clavicle 23. Patella