APPLICATION OF ENZYMES PUTTING ENZYMES TO USE – BIOLOGICAL CATALYSTS The protein portion of an enzyme is called the apoenzyme. A cofactor is the non-protein part of an enzyme. Cofacors can be loosely bound, coenzymes or tightly bound, prosthetic groups. The complete enzyme (apoprotein + cofactor) is termed the holoenzyme. Red blood cells contain the protein hemoglobin which has heme (the oxygen carrier in our blood) as a prosthetic group.
BIOENGINEERED ENZYMES The identification and understanding of DNA led to gene-splicing and the development of bio-engineered enzymes. Now, many enzymes are produced using bioengineering. With the large demand for enzymes, industrial production has evolved to use different methods for the growth and production of enzymes.
CHEESE RENNET –Traditionally rennet came from the lining of the cows, sheep or goat- The 4th Stomachwas washed and salted. The enzymes found in rennet (e.g. Chymosin) causes the milk to coagulate breaking down protein starting the digestion process of forming curds for cheese. Most vegetarian cheeses are curdled with either plants, fungi, or bacteria. Gene technology The production of chymosin with the aid of genetically modified organisms is widespread. A large part of global cheese production is conducted using GM chymosin. Cheese Rennet is a preparation of the lining membrane of the true stomach of the calf, or a goat or sheep &c. which yields an enzyme capable of causing the coagulation of casein, and is used in the manufacture of some cheese. Traditional rennet was made by washing the stomach of a young ruminant after it has been slaughtered, and then salting it. The salted stomach is kept in dried form, with cooks snipping off small pieces and soaking them in water when they have a need for rennet. Some cheesemakers continue to make and use rennet in this way; the vast majority use commercially processed rennet, which is made by creating a slurry and then subjecting it to a compound which will cause the enzymes to precipitate out. The main enzyme in rennet is rennin, although there are a few other enzymes as well, and the precise content depends on the animal the rennet comes from; sheep rennet, for example, is different from cow rennet. When added to milk, the enzyme causes the milk to coagulate, essentially starting the digestion process. Once curds have formed, cheesemakers can cut the curds, drain them, and pack them into molds to make cheese.
BEER BREW The brewing process - extract & breakdown carbohydrate (e.g. from malted barley or adjuncts) to make a sugar solution –metabolizing the sugar producing ethanol and carbon dioxide
Laundry Detergents Proteases collar & cuff soil-lines, grass, blood. Many classes of enzymes are known to improve the laundry process: Proteases collar & cuff soil-lines, grass, blood. Amylases sauces, ice-creams, gravy. Lipases greasy body and food stains Cellulases provide general cleaning benefits, especially on dust and mud, and also work on garments made from cellulosic fibers, Minimizing pilling to restore color and softness The enzymes used in laundry detergents act on materials that make up a variety of stains and soils so that these materials can be washed away more easily. These enzymes are named after the materials they can act upon, for example, proteases break down protein based stains, lipolases break down lipid (fat) based stains and amylases break down starches and other carbohydrate based stains (amyl is Greek for starch). Since one enzyme molecule can act on many substrate (i.e., soil) molecules, a small amount of enzyme added to a laundry detergent can provide a big cleaning benefit to the consumer.
SOFT CENTRED CHOCOLATES INVERTASE Maxinvert is obtained from baker’s yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae. USES Invertase is widely-used in confectionery production. A well-known application is in the production of soft-centred sweets, such as after-dinner mints. Here, a solid paste with the consistency of fudge is made using sucrose (table sugar). A small amount of invertase is added to this fondant before it is enrobed in chocolate. During storage for a couple of weeks at 18 °C, the enzyme partially liquefies the sucrose within the chocolate shell.
CAFFEINE & ENZYMES Trimethylxanthine Trimethylxanthine is the most widely consumed pharmacologically active substance in the world, and occurs naturally in tea, coffee, cocoa and chocolate products and is added to soft drinks and a variety of prescription and over-the-counter drugs… Find out more at the Coffee Science Information Centre: What methylxanthines do is to disable an enzyme (phosphodieterase) that would otherwise destroy another substance, cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP), which works to activate the neurotransmitters in the brain. So once the cAMP is given free rein, the brake on your brain is lifted and it’s all systems go. But does it help you concentrate? Without the phosphodieterase brake, caffeine also stimulates the central nervous system: your heart rate, blood pressure, and blood circulation will all increase so it does have a temporary effect on how you feel, and can increase feelings of alertness which, in turn, can make concentration easier - but only in the short term. This is the effect exploited in drinks like Red Bull, which contains a whopping 80 milligrams of caffeine per can. But be warned, an excess of caffeine can make you feel jittery and sick, and because it takes around seven hours to leave your system, can interfere with your sleep, too. In one experiment when a large dose of caffeine was given to a spider, instead of her web being a beautiful spiral, it was a random mess. So enjoy your caffeinated drinks in moderation, but don’t expect it to compensate for any poor habits - like overwork, inadequate sleep, poor diet - that can impede concentration. And if you want an alternative kick-start to caffeine, try a large dose of vitamin C - which also blocks phosphodieterase, and elevates levels of cAMP in the brain to similar effect! - but without the caffeine effect.