The Russian Revolution of 1917
I.) Russia and World War I A.WWI showed Russia’s economic weakness 1. insufficient food supply at home 2. soldiers poorly equipped and poorly led 3. inadequate roads for communication/movement 4. government corrupt and inefficient REVOLUTION of 1917!!!! Leads to……………
September Czar Nicholas II leave to lead the Russian Army. - Czarina Alexandra (wife) and Rasputin (self described holy man) were left in charge. Winter The winter was harsh. - Cities without fuel & food - Result: Working Class Suffer!!! (Assassinated Dec. 1916) “ I f I d i e o r y o u d e s e r t m e, t h e n i n s i x m o n t h s y o u w i l l l o s e y o u r s o n a n d y o u r t h r o n e ! ” II.) Events of the Revolution of 1917
7 th March February Revolution begins w/ 40,000 factory workers strike. 8 th March Thousands of women join the demonstrations. Demands: food, fuel and a new government.
15 th March The Duma doesn’t listen and Nicholas II is forced to abdicate the throne of Russia - Czar Nicholas & family placed under guard 12 th March Czar Nicholas orders army to stop the protests. - Soldiers refuse & many join the demonstrations - Protestors march to the Duma to demand new govt. - Czar Nicholas II dissolves the Duma (Russian Parliament)
III.) Post-Revolution Russia A.Provisional Govt. set up led by Alexander Kerensky B.Soviets (working class revolutionary group) oppose provisional govt. C.Soviets break into two factions: 1. Mensheviks (moderate) 2. Bolsheviks (radical) D.Nov October Revolution led by Bolsheviks & Lenin overthrow the provisional govt.
IV.) Russia Exits WWI A.March 1918: Lenin & new govt. signs Treaty of Brest- Litovsk w/Germany
V.) 1918 Russian Civil War A.Red Army (Communists) vs. White Army (troops to Czar Nicholas II) 1. July 1918= Red Army executes Czar Nicholas and family
Leaders in the civil War Lenin (leader) 2. Trotsky (military commander) Denikin YudenichKolchak REDS! WHITES! B.Communist Reds win!! 1. Red Terror (elimination of enemies in Russia)
VI.) A New Nation! A.Russia renamed “U.S.S.R.” / “Soviet Union” B.New capital of Soviet Union = Moscow