The Parent’s Association in Primary Schools M. Coakley, September 2009
Introduction Membership of the Parent’s Association is open to all parents/guardians of pupils in the school The partnership between home and school is very important
Child ParentTeacher Interdependent relationships
The Role of the Parent’s Assoc. According to the Education Act, 1988: “the parent association shall promote the interests of the students in a school in co-operation with the board, teachers and students”
How? Two Broad Tasks 1.To advise the principal or board on matters relating to the school eg Safety, behaviour on the bus, provision for children in wet weather, incidents of behaviour problems, uniforms, extra-curricular activities, fundraising, (with BOM approval) etc.
2.To adopt a programme of activities which will promote the involvement of parents in the operation of the school, in consultation with the principal Providing information-newsletter, class meetings, displaying posters etc Help parents to help their children- running talks/workshops, letting parents know about ed’al courses and training Contributing to school planning and policies- homework, RSE, Code of Behaviour, ICT etc
Partnership with teachers in delivering the curriculum-giving talks, art classes, paired reading, projects to improve the environment, sports, organising swimming classes. Networking among parents-coffee mornings, parents page on website, noticeboard, welcoming new arrivals to the area Extra-curricular activities-helping to organise, supervise and fund activities that would benefit children.
Communication Key to success With pupils, between committee and parent body, between principal and committee, between committee and board of management.