Damson Wood Infant School Year 2 Curriculum Meeting September 2014
Hopefully by the end you will have… Greater understanding of the Year 2 curriculum. Knowledge of forthcoming Year 2 topics and activities. Gather some ideas and techniques to support children at home.
Meet the team : Eileen McGrath Class Teacher Beech Assistant Head Teacher Key Stage One
Meet the team: Sarah Pearson Class Teacher Rowan
Meet the team: Karen Jones Teaching Assistant Year 2
Meet the team: Sarah Morris Inclusion Leader Phonics Group Interventions
English Spoken Language Reading Writing Phonics
Year 2 Routines Activities:Please return: MondayPhonics Group Spelling TestHome Spelling Book Reading Book Reading Diary Bears diary (One pupil per class) Homework Folder TuesdayReading Book given out PE (and Sports Active session 5 week block-commencing 10 th September) Homework Folder WednesdayZumba session 5 week block- commencing 5 th November Homework Folder Thursday FridayHomework given out (Alternate English and Maths tasks) Bear’s diary given out (One pupil per class) Library book changed Library Book
Develop pleasure in reading, motivation to read, vocabulary and understanding Listen to wide range of classic and contemporary poetry, stories and Non-Fiction at a level beyond what they can read independently Explain Express views Learn new vocabulary Learn poems by heart Ask and answer questions Making inferences Discuss favourite words and phrases Clarifying meanings Predict Describe Retrieve Compare
Spoken Language
Phonics continue to apply phonic knowledge and skills as the route to decode words until automatic decoding has become embedded and reading is fluent read accurately by blending the sounds in words read words containing common suffixes: ed ing ly read most words quickly and accurately, without overt sounding and blending, when they have been frequently encountered read aloud books closely matched to their improving phonic knowledge, sounding out unfamiliar words accurately, automatically and without undue hesitation re-read these books to build up their fluency and confidence in word reading
Reading Shared reading; Shared reading; Guided reading; Guided reading; Regular independent reading: Regular independent reading: individual; individual; group and paired; group and paired; Home/school reading; Home/school reading; Hearing books read aloud on a regular basis; Hearing books read aloud on a regular basis; Selecting their own choice of texts. Selecting their own choice of texts. E-books E-books
Reading Diaries How much did they read? E.g. Read from page 5 – 8. Effort comment Who did they read with? Sign initials Any difficulties? Any successes? Any progress from previous comments?
Writing with a purpose Recount Non-chronological report Instructions and procedures Adventure or mystery story Traditional tales
Independent Writing Regular independent writing activity. Purpose – to improve all areas of writing; Grammar, vocabulary, structure, creativity. APP used to assess and inform future learning
Phonics phases 3 and 4 All children will revisit and recap reading and spelling words with the phase 3 and 4 phonemes and graphemes. There are 5 phonics groups in Key Stage One. Children are grouped according to their needs. These groups are fluid and regular assessments and observations are undertaken.
Phonics Phase 5 – able to represent 42 phonemes. two letters e.g. ai, sh, ch CVC blending and segmenting Alternative pronunciations Alternative spellings
Phonics Phase 6 Reading familiar words automatically Decoding words quickly and silently through an established sounding and blending routine. Decoding them aloud Children become fluent readers and accurate spellers.
Spelling Phonics and non-decodable words in phonics groups Weekly spelling test linked to phonics Class spelling activities covering spelling expectations for Year 2
Handwriting Correct posture / positioning Pencil grip Correct formation of uppercase and lowercase letters (See handout)
Maths The principal focus of mathematics teaching in key stage 1 is to ensure that pupils develop confidence and mental fluency with whole numbers, counting and place value. This should involve working with numerals, words and the four operations, including with practical resources
Not Just Number… Other maths areas…. 2D and 3D shape Patterns Symmetry Time Length Weight Capacity Position & Direction Fractions Angles Data handling (Year 2)
Other Subjects Art and Design Computing Design and Technology (D&T) Geography History Music Physical Education (PE) Science RE
Art and Design Creating different shades and tones of colour using paint. Using the school environment to explore colours in nature. Studying natural art, creating nature pictures of plants and weather. Exploring texture through using different materials and actions to apply paint. Observational drawing and sketching skills. Collage
Computing Using the Computer Using the Internet Communicating and Collaborating Online Creating and Publishing Digital Media Programming and Control Modelling and Simulations Using Data
Design and Technology Stuart House Fruit cocktails Lectern Investigate Plan Design Gather Make Evaluate Improve Review
Geography Weather patterns / seasons Geography of Britain Drawing and reading maps Compass points and direction African Culture, Geography and people
History The Great Fire of London Famous people from around the world Famous Britons
Music Tuned and un-tuned percussion instruments Use of voice Pitch Rhythm Duration Dynamics Tempo
PE Gymnastics Dance including Athletics Specialised coaches- Fit4schools, Sports Active,Zumba Daily Physical Activities
Science Seasonal changes Plants Animals Materials Living things and their habitats
RE Christian and Jewish stories Light as a symbol Special food Festivals- Hannukah, Christmas,Easter Special books- The Bible Islam Light The Church-including a visit
First Hand Experiences In School Local Walks Great Fire of London Day Brilliant Britain Day Afternoon tea Party Visits Outdoor learning 1 x per term Aston Hall Visit ….More to follow…
DateEventWhenWho Wednesday 1 st OctoberBrilliant Britain DayAll dayYear 2 Thursday 16 th October Outdoor learning- Great Fire of London Year 2 Tuesday 4 th November Great Fire of London Day All dayYear 2 Wednesday 12 th November Inspire Writing Workshop Year 2 Parents and pupils Friday 21 st November Aston Hall Visit All day Year 2 Wednesday 10 th December Fabulous Finale- Afternoon tea Year 2 Parents and pupils Tuesday 16 th December Christmas Production Key Stage 1 Parents and pupils Wednesday 17th December Christmas Production Key Stage 1 Parents and pupils Key Dates Year 2- Autumn Term
Homework Reading, Reading, Reading! Year 2’s homework alternate weeks. Literacy and Numeracy task. Topic related homework
Ways to Support your Child Provide appropriate support and encouragement with homework Hear your child read regularly and write a positive comment in the reading diary Read TO your child regularly Provide support with learning number and using it in the real world i.e. money,time. Encourage joined handwriting-please see handout.
SATs Standardised assessment tasks and tests. Information evening takes place in the Spring term. Date to follow.
Thank you for your patience and your on going support. Please feel free to ask questions.