Learning Objectives Female Pelvis a.Describe the reflections of peritoneum on pelvic organs. b.Describe the importance peritoneal recesses found in the pelvis. c.Describe the surfaces of the urinary bladder and understand the organs which are in contact with the urinary bladder. d.Describe the internal structure of the urinary bladder. e.Define the neurological basis for urination. f.Describe the pelvic course for the ureters. g.Define the parts of the broad ligament. h.List the structures which lie between the lamellae of the broad ligament. i.Delineate the parts of the uterus and uterine tubes. j.Define the normal position of the uterus and understand the terms retroversion and retroflexion. k.Define the ligamentous supports for the uterus. l.Distinguish between true and false pelvis and delineate organs which lie in each. m.Understand the relationships of the vaginal fornices to surrounding structures. n.Understand the normal position of the ovaries. o.List structures which can be palpated during a female pelvic examination.
Moore et al, Fig. 3.8
Ovary Fundus of uterus Urinary bladder Uterine tube Rectum Plate 343
Plate 342 Vagina Rectum Rectouterine pouch Cervix of uterus Body of uterus Urinary bladder Vesicouterine pouch Ovary Uterine tube
Plate 342 Rectum Ureter Rectouterine pouchOvary Round ligament of uterus Vesicouterine pouch Peritoneum (cut edge)
Plate 350 Colles’ fascia Ischiocavernosus m. Crus of clitoris Bulbospongiosus m Bulb of vestibule Perineal membrane Levator ani m. Detrussor m. Ureteric orifice Vesical venous plexus TRIGONE
Plate 344 Rectouterine pouch Ovarian vessels in suspensory ligament of ovary Mesosalpinx Mesometrium
Plate 355 Ureter Supravaginal part of cervix Mesometrium of broad ligament Mesosalpinx of broad ligament Mesovarium of broad ligament Ligament of ovary Fundus of uterus Body of uterus Suspensatory ligament
Netter Plate 354 mesosalpinx mesovarian
Plate 355 CERVIX FUNDUS Uterine part of uterine tube Isthmus of uterine tube Ampulla of uterine tube Fimbriae Infundibulum of uterine tube Fornix of vagina External os Internal os Transverse cervical ligament Myometrium Endometrium
Plate 344 Supravaginal part of cervix Ureter URINARY BLADDER Uterine artery in transverse cervical ligament
Plate 342 Vagina Rectum Rectouterine pouch Cervix of uterus Body of uterus Urinary bladder Vesicouterine pouch Ovary Uterine tube
Snell; Normal Position of Uterus
Plate 374; 4 th ed Degrees of Retroversion Normal
Plate 374; 4 th ed Normal Retroflexion Severe anteflexion Retrocession
Plate 374; 4 th ed
Plate 413; 4 th ed
Moore et al; Fig. B 3.18