Chapter 2 Safe and Smart Physical Activity
Medical Readiness Medical Exams Physicals Consulting physicians Seeing athletic trainer
Readiness for Extreme Environmental Conditions Hyperthermia-overheating, occurs when your body temperature rises too high. Can cause muscle cramps, heat exhaustion, or heat stroke Hypothermia-excessively low body temperature. Accompanied by shivering, numbness, drowsiness, muscular weakness, and confusion or disorientation.
Hot, Humid Weather Precautions Begin gradually Drink water Wear proper clothing Rest frequently Avoid extreme heat and humidity Get out of heat and cool body if heat- related injury occurs
Cold, Windy, and Wet Weather Avoid extreme cold and wind Dress properly Avoid exercising in icy or cold, wet weather
Pollution and Altitude Trouble breathing Need to get use to altitude Avoid air polluted areas for exercise
General Readiness Right clothes, shoes, socks, ankle or knee braces, other special equipment Warm-up Cool-down
Common Injuries Overuse injury Side stitch Microtrauma Sprains, strains, tears
Preventing Injuries Ligaments Tendons Biomechanical Principles Start slowly Listen to your body Warm-up and cool down Be fit Moderation Dress Properly
Treatment RICE Hyperflexion/Hyperextension Joint twisting, compression, and friction Improper strengthening and stretching exercises