Electronic Publishing and the Economics of Information SLA 2001 Carol Tenopir University of Tennessee, Knoxville


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Presentation transcript:

Electronic Publishing and the Economics of Information SLA 2001 Carol Tenopir University of Tennessee, Knoxville Donald W. King University of Pittsburgh

Carol Tenopir and Donald W. King. Towards Electronic Journals: Realities for Scientists, Librarians, and Publishers, Jose-Marie Griffiths and Donald W. King. Special Libraries: Increasing the information Edge, 1993.

We will cover: Part I: Electronic Publishing Part II: Implications for Libraries – Data Collection & Measurement

Part I: Electronic Publishing Overview of Electronic Journals Licensing Options & Issues Usage Studies

Overview of Electronic Journals

Main Questions: Is the title I need available electronically? What is included in the e-version? Can I cancel print?

Useful Publications Directory of Scholarly Electronic Journals and Academic Discussion Lists, 1st ed. Editors, Dru W. Mogge and Peter Budka. Association of Research Libraries, Fulltext Sources Online. Edited by Donald T. Hawkins and Mary B. Glose. Medford, NJ: Information Today, twice yearly.

Growth in Peer Reviewed E-Journals

Growth in Full Text Sources

Major Electronic Publishers Elsevier Science Direct Springer Link Academic Press Johns Hopkins American Chemical Society

Major Electronic Journal Aggregators (General) OCLC EBSCO ProQuest Gale Group H.W. Wilson

Major Electronic Journal Aggregators (Specialized) JSTOR OVID Highwire PubMed Central LexisNexis Dialog Factiva

Electronic Journals Paper byproduct Text only Document delivery Linked to indexing Electronic only Multimedia Interactive Direct from publisher

Electronic Journals Paper byproduct Text only Document delivery Linked to indexing Electronic only Multimedia Interactive Direct from publisher

Electronic Journals Paper byproduct Text only Document delivery Linked to indexing Electronic only Multimedia Interactive Direct from publisher

Electronic Journals Paper byproduct Text only Document delivery Linked to indexing Electronic only Multimedia Interactive Direct from publisher

Electronic Journals Paper byproduct Text only Document delivery Linked to indexing Electronic only Multimedia Interactive Direct from publisher

Electronic Journals Paper byproduct Text only Document delivery Linked to indexing Electronic only Multimedia Interactive Direct from publisher

Electronic Journals Paper byproduct Text only Document delivery Linked to indexing Electronic only Multimedia Interactive Direct from publisher

Electronic Journals Paper byproduct Text only Document delivery Linked to indexing Electronic only Multimedia Interactive Direct from publisher

Electronic Journals Paper byproduct Text only Document delivery Linked to indexing Electronic only Multimedia Interactive Direct from publisher

Category 1 Paper byproduct, text only, document delivery, linked to indexing, full text searching 1

Category 2 Text and graphics of full articles, image, document delivery, linked to indexing, print still dominant 2

Category 3 Electronic journals, print still dominant, most of journal is online (e.g., ads, letters), may be less than print 3

Library Journal

Category 4 Electronic journals, offer substantially more than print, print still available, multimedia, interactivity, may be limited 4

Chemical & Engineering News

Category 5 Fully electronic, no print, multimedia, interactive, direct from publisher 5

Journal of Electronic Publishing

D-Lib Magazine

Other Factors to Consider: Coverage Pricing policy Licensing restrictions Preference of your users

Licensing Options & Issues

Licensing Options: Pay-as-you-go Fixed-rate User-based

Pay-as-you-go: Connect-time Output-based Per search

Fixed-rate: One-time cost or yearly subscription rate Licenses or terms and conditions of use More cost for networking or multiple connections

User-based: Most common option Complex and based on multiple factors Negotiation

Factors Affecting User-based Pricing: Number of Users –Total user population (constituency) –Potential users –Simultaneous users Size or prestige of library or institution Consortia

Which Option for Your Library? Pay-as-you-go –Search costs billed back to clients or customers –Specific databases or systems infrequently used –Add-on services User-based –Libraries with an identifiable base of customers –When need a yearly rate

Public Libraries - Preferred Pricing Options Option% of Libraries Simultaneous Users56.7% Flat Fee33.3% License Based on Size of Library 10% Per Use8.3% Other18.3%

Academic Libraries – Preferred Pricing Options Option% of Libraries Flat Fee 45.6% Simultaneous Users 36.8% License Based on Potential Users 21.2% License Based on Size of Library 10.5% Per Use 8.8% Other 15.5%

Useful Licensing Resources: LIBLICENSE-L Mailing List list.shtml Yale University Licensing Digital Information Resources

More Resources: University of Texas System, Office of General Counsel tm Committee on Institutional Cooperation Standardized Language Agreement Language ent_language.htm

And one more: ARL Licensing Brochure Online t.html

Usage Studies

Data From: 14,000 scientists All fields of science University and non-university settings Over 100 organizations (publishers and libraries)

Average Number of Scholarly Article Readings Per Year

Amount of Reading Engineers ~ 72 per year Physicists ~ 204 per year Chemists ~ 276 per year Physicians ~ 322 per year

Time Spent Reading

What Scientists Are Reading Approx. 50% of readings contain information that is new to the reader Over 35% of readings are of articles older than one year Older articles are very valuable to scientists’ work

Too Many Journals? Growth of journal literature is correlated with the number of scientists 1 article per 10 scientists 70% of all readings are done by non- academicians

Amount of Journal Readings Scientists read from an average of journals each year Medical faculty read from an average of 13 journals each year Medical faculty read more in each journal (26 articles)

Preprints Electronic preprints accounted for 3.6% of total readings (ORNL) 1/3 of ORNL scientists were aware of LANL’s arXiv.org and 1/4 were aware of the DOE PrePrint Network.

Eprint Usage 3/4 of those aware of arXiv.org had read 7.9 articles per person in the past year, but only 14% had ever submitted papers to the service. 1/2 of those aware of the DOE PrePrint Network read an average of 6 preprints from the service in the past year

Impacts of Electronic Publishing Electronic journals use is increasing Students prefer electronic Differences between work fields Peer review important to many Much e-reading in new titles Non-core readers price sensitive