1 Oregon’s New Core Standards Structure Superintendent’s Summer Institute August 2008
2 Essential Questions Core Standards Core Standards What are they? What are they? How are they developed? How are they developed? How do they differ from power standards? How do they differ from power standards? How are they tied to the essential skills? How are they tied to the essential skills? How are they assessed? How are they assessed? How will ODE support them? How will ODE support them?
3 State Board Decision January 2007 Diploma requirements January 2007 Diploma requirements Also directed Department to develop core standards in each content area Also directed Department to develop core standards in each content area Standards are foundational to all components of the Oregon Diploma Standards are foundational to all components of the Oregon Diploma
4 Define what students are expected to know and be able to do Oregon Content Standards
5 Oregon Educational Act (ORS ) State Board of Education (SBE) shall regularly and periodically review and revise its Common Curriculum Goals…and rigorous academic content standards in mathematics, science, English, history, geography, economics, civics, physical education, health, the arts and second languages. shall regularly and periodically review and revise its Common Curriculum Goals…and rigorous academic content standards in mathematics, science, English, history, geography, economics, civics, physical education, health, the arts and second languages.
6 Oregon’s newly revised standards will be structured around core concepts-the big ideas
7 Oregon Content Standards New Core Standards Structure New Core Standards Structure Fewer, more focused and coherent content standards Fewer, more focused and coherent content standards Built around “big ideas” for each grade level and subject area (core standards statement) Built around “big ideas” for each grade level and subject area (core standards statement) Articulates learning progressions within and between grade levels Articulates learning progressions within and between grade levels Allows for more effective lesson design, focused instruction, and creation of formative assessments Allows for more effective lesson design, focused instruction, and creation of formative assessments
8 Research Base for Creating Core Standards _______________________ Upon what research is ODE basing the decision to move to core standards?
9 Research Base for Creating Core Standards _______________________ National Research Council National Research Council Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) National Council of Teachers of Mathematics National Council of Teachers of Mathematics National Mathematics Advisory Panel National Mathematics Advisory Panel Council of Chief State School Officers Council of Chief State School Officers WestEd Reports WestEd Reports
10 Assuring Consistency of Standards’ Format __________________________________ How will ODE approach creating a core standards structure for each content area?
11 Assuring Consistency of Standards’ Format Standards are revised according to a set review and revision cycle Standards are revised according to a set review and revision cyclerevision cyclerevision cycle Revision of K-8 math standards introduced core standards structure Revision of K-8 math standards introduced core standards structure Currently revising science; documenting process for future reference Currently revising science; documenting process for future reference Communicating internally by sharing knowledge and experiences Communicating internally by sharing knowledge and experiences
12 Criteria & Process for Core Standards Development ____________________________________________________________ What criteria and process is ODE using to select/identify core standards?
13 Criteria for Core Standards Development Endurance: Will the standard provide students with knowledge and skills that will be of value beyond a single test date? Endurance: Will the standard provide students with knowledge and skills that will be of value beyond a single test date? Leverage: Will the standard provide knowledge and skills that will be of value in multiple disciplines? Leverage: Will the standard provide knowledge and skills that will be of value in multiple disciplines? Success: Will the standard provide students with essential knowledge and skills that are necessary for success in the next level of instruction? Beyond school? Success: Will the standard provide students with essential knowledge and skills that are necessary for success in the next level of instruction? Beyond school? Core standards criteria based on Doug Reeves’ Endurance, Leverage & Necessity criteria Core standards criteria based on Doug Reeves’ Endurance, Leverage & Necessity criteria
14 Overview of Oregon’s Standards Revision Process Review and revision cycle Review and revision cycle Content and assessment panels (ORS ) used to develop new standards Content and assessment panels (ORS ) used to develop new standards Stakeholder engagement/external partners Stakeholder engagement/external partners National and international research/experts National and international research/experts Public input on draft documents Public input on draft documents State Board adoption State Board adoption
15 Oregon’s Standards Revision Process at Work Mathematics Revision Mathematics Revision National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Focal Points National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Focal Points WestEd’s recommendations WestEd’s recommendations National Mathematics Advisory Panel report National Mathematics Advisory Panel report Science Revision Science Revision WestEd’s recommendations WestEd’s recommendations CCSSO Vertical Alignment reports CCSSO Vertical Alignment reports Starting from scratch Starting from scratch Development of grade-level standards for K-8 Development of grade-level standards for K-8
16 Oregon Content Standards New Mathematics standards K-8 Standards -State Board adoption in December 2007 K-8 Standards -State Board adoption in December 2007 Standards High School standards -State Board adoption anticipated 2009 High School standards -State Board adoption anticipated
17 Math Standards Structure Three “core standards” at each grade. Roughly 20 “content standards” at each grade. Each content standard is attached to one of the core standards. These provide the details necessary for curriculum and assessment.
18 Math Grade 3 Core Standards 3.1 Number and Operations: Develop an understanding of fractions and fraction equivalence. 3.2 Number and Operations: Develop understandings of multiplication and division, and strategies for basic multiplication facts and related division facts. 3.3 Geometry: Describe and analyze properties of two- dimensional shapes, including perimeters.
19 Math Grade 4 Core Standards 4.1 Number and Operations: Develop an understanding of decimals, including the connections between fractions and decimals. 4.2 Number and Operations: Develop fluency with multiplication facts and related division facts, and with multi-digit whole number multiplication. 4.3 Measurement: Develop an understanding of area and determine the areas of two-dimensional shapes.
20 Grade 3 Grade Fractions 4.1 Decimals 3.2 Develop an 4.2 Develop quick understanding recall and understanding recall and of multiplication fluency with of multiplication fluency with and division multiplication and division multiplication 3.3 Two-dimen- 4.3 Area sional shapes sional shapes
21 Shading indicates coverage in our 2002 standards, Shading indicates coverage in our 2002 standards, Numbers indicate coverage in our current standards. Numbers indicate coverage in our current standards.
22 Comparison to International Standards* Typical State Standards fill in the nearly the entire grid *Singapore, Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, Belgium, and the Czech Republic.
24 New Science standards Began with research Began with research Draft standards available Fall 2008 Draft standards available Fall 2008 State Board adoption January 2009 State Board adoption January 2009 More information: More information: Oregon Content Standards
25 Science Content Standards National Research Council: “The difference between students who are less or more proficient is not only that the latter know more discrete facts. Instead, gains in proficiency often consist of changes in the organization of knowledge not just the accretion of more pieces of knowledge.”
26 Science Content Standards The Trends in International Mathematics & Science Study (TIMSS) provides reliable and timely data on the mathematics and science achievement of U.S. students compared to that of students in other countries.
30 Power Standards Process __________________________ How will ODE honor the work of districts that have undergone the “unwrapping standards” process and have created power standards?
31 ODE’s role regarding content standards Federal & State Statute No Child Left Behind Act No Child Left Behind Act Oregon Educational Act (ORS ) Oregon Educational Act (ORS ) State Board of Education (SBE) …shall regularly and periodically review and revise its Common Curriculum Goals…and rigorous academic content standards in mathematics, science, English, history, geography, economics, civics, physical education, health, the arts and second languages. …shall regularly and periodically review and revise its Common Curriculum Goals…and rigorous academic content standards in mathematics, science, English, history, geography, economics, civics, physical education, health, the arts and second languages.
32 District’s role regarding content standards School districts School districts shall maintain control over course content, format, materials, and teaching methods. shall maintain control over course content, format, materials, and teaching methods. shall offer students instruction in mathematics, science, English, history, geography, economics, civics, physical education, health, the arts and second languages that meets the academic content standards …and requirements adopted by the SBE… shall offer students instruction in mathematics, science, English, history, geography, economics, civics, physical education, health, the arts and second languages that meets the academic content standards …and requirements adopted by the SBE…
33 How do core standards differ from power standards? Core standards are developed at the state level Core standards are developed at the state level Core standards reflect the structure of the discipline and articulate learning progressions Core standards reflect the structure of the discipline and articulate learning progressions Core standards are developed as part of the review and revision of state standards Core standards are developed as part of the review and revision of state standards Power standards are developed at the district level Power standards are based on state standards Power standards are developed on individual district timelines
34 How are core standards and power standards the same? In the development process: Both use the same set of criteria Both use the same set of criteria Both focus on the big ideas/key concepts Both focus on the big ideas/key concepts Both identify a smaller set of more coherent and focused standards Both identify a smaller set of more coherent and focused standards As a resulting product: Both can serve educators well as they plan their instruction Both can serve educators well as they plan their instruction Both can help improve student proficiency in the content areas Both can help improve student proficiency in the content areas
35 Power Standards Process Districts establish professional learning communities, engage in meaningful professional development through Power Standards process Districts establish professional learning communities, engage in meaningful professional development through Power Standards process State standards provide solid foundation for this work State standards provide solid foundation for this work Teachers involved in power standards process and in state standards revision process Teachers involved in power standards process and in state standards revision process
36 Relationship Between Standards and the Essential Skills _____________________ What is the relationship between the content standards and the Essential Skills?
37 Essential Skills Phase-in Fall 2008, required in 2012: Read and comprehend a variety of text Write clearly and accurately Listen actively and speak clearly and coherently Apply mathematics in a variety of settings
38 Essential Skills (continued) Phase-in timeline to be determined: Think critically and analytically Use technology to learn, live, and work Demonstrate civic and community engagement Demonstrate global literacy Demonstrate personal management and teamwork skills (represents merger of career related learning standards)
40 Linking Core Standards to State Assessments ______________________________ How will the new core standards structure affect the state assessments (OAKS)?
41 Linking Core Standards to State Assessments Creation of new test items Creation of new test items EII and OAIS staff collaboration EII and OAIS staff collaboration External partnerships: WestEd and NWREL alignment studies External partnerships: WestEd and NWREL alignment studies Item writing scheduled for 2008, 2009 Item writing scheduled for 2008, 2009 Timeline in development for new assessments Timeline in development for new assessments Crosswalk between current and revised math standards available August 2008 Crosswalk between current and revised math standards available August 2008
42 Providing Support to Districts ________________________ How will ODE support districts as they implement the new core standards?
43 Providing Support to Districts Clear communication Clear communication Online Oregon Standards Newspaper Online Oregon Standards Newspaper Content Area Teacher Newsletters Content Area Teacher Newsletters REAL enhancements REAL enhancements Content Standards Web Page Content Standards Web Page Professional Development Professional Development
44 Online Standards Newspaper Informational Articles Informational Articles Content Standards Content Standards Work Samples Work Samples Achievement Standards Achievement Standards Assessment Information Assessment Information Skill Sets Skill Sets
45 ODE Content Area Teacher Newsletters English Language Arts Teachers English Language Arts Teachers English Language Arts Teachers English Language Arts Teachers Mathematics Teachers Mathematics Teachers Mathematics Teachers Mathematics Teachers Physical Education Teachers Physical Education Teachers Physical Education Teachers Physical Education Teachers Science Teachers Science Teachers Science Teachers Science Teachers Second Language Teachers Second Language Teachers Second Language Teachers Second Language Teachers Social Sciences Teachers Social Sciences Teachers Social Sciences Teachers Social Sciences Teachers The Arts Teachers The Arts Teachers The Arts Teachers The Arts Teachers
46 Resources for Educational Achievement and Leadership Searchable Standards Searchable Standards Standards By Design Standards By Design Teaching and Learning Resources Teaching and Learning Resources Strategies for Student Success Strategies for Student Success
47 Content Standards Web Page News News Revision and Adoption Schedule Revision and Adoption Schedule Alignment Tools Alignment Tools Resources and Documents Resources and Documents
48 Professional Development New Math & Science Standards ODE working with NWRCC & COI ODE working with NWRCC & COI Research–based characteristics of effective instruction and work with the new standards Research–based characteristics of effective instruction and work with the new standards External partners will be involved External partners will be involved Informational session at the Summer Institute Informational session at the Summer Institute PD opportunities available in the fall PD opportunities available in the fall More information coming soon More information coming soon
49 Thank you! Cheryl Kleckner Paul Hibbard