Designing Supplemental Focus Lessons that Support All Learners December NTI Session 3.


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Presentation transcript:

Designing Supplemental Focus Lessons that Support All Learners December NTI Session 3

Welcome 2

3 Learning Targets 1.I can design writing tasks that address specific standards. 2.I can develop responsive, supplemental, Common Core-aligned writing lessons to meet students’ needs.

Curriculum Design in Action Locate the Process-Connection-Challenge Notecatcher located on page X in your participant notebook. Take notes on your notecatcher while watching the video to prepare for a discussion. 4

Discussing our Learning Go ‘round” in split table groups Ensure each group member gets to respond to each question sharing a thought or detail from their notecatcher. What did you notice about the nature of the process of curriculum design? What connection can you make between the video and the process of designing a focused writing lesson for your students? What do you anticipate will present a challenge during the process of lesson design today? 5

Read Read and review the Show the Rule strategy on page X of your notebook. (NOTE: This document “lives in the Foundations for Teaching the Reading Foundation and Language Standards in Grades 3-5 and in the Common Core Aligned Interventions for Adolescent Readers document (6-8) 6

Turn and Talk Discuss how this strategy could be used in designing a supplemental focus lessons 7

Building the Foundation Protocol Get into split table groups (or groups of 4 or 5). Locate the Building the Foundation Protocol in your participant notebook on p. X. Preview the steps in the protocol. 8

Step 2 and Step 3 Step 2 (5 minutes): Review the grade level standards for your grade level. Also, read the grade level above and below the standard you are examining. Step 3 (10 minutes): There are several articles that specifically address constructing, combining and varying sentences. As a small group, read and pass these articles without talking. You may not be able to read each document closely, but you can get the “gist” of the article. Take notes in the notecather as an individual in preparation for discussion with your group. 9

Step 4 and Step 5 Step 4 (5 minutes): Each member of the group shares about a resource that they found particularly helpful and how this applies to your practice (1 minute per person. Each member of the group should share at least one "new learning." Other members of the group add to your notecatcher when listening. Step 5 (4 minutes): Discuss as a group how this learning will help you with your task of supplemental focus lesson design. 10

Lesson Plan Template Locate the Lesson Planning Template in your Participant Notebook on p. X. Work with a partner to design a supplemental focus lesson for writing. Note: You only have 15 minutes of planning time right now, but you can “dig” back in to this lesson after break! 11

Break 12

Praise-Question-Suggest Locate a partner pair that was not at your table and create a group of 4. Locate the Praise-Question-Suggest Protocol in your Participant Notebook on page X. Use the protocol to provide one another with specific feedback about the lessons in preparation for revision. 13

Looking Closely at Assessment Design Locate Assessment Design in Expeditionary Learning Grades 3-8 ELA Curriculum in your Participant Notebook on p. X. Read and review #5, #6, #7, #8 on this document. 14

Revise Now look at the assessment that you planned for your focus lesson. Based on your new learning is there anything that you want to revise? Revise your lesson plan based on feedback you received in the Praise-Question-Suggest Protocl and based on your new learning from the assessment document that you just read. 15

Debrief What did you learn about designing a lesson? What did you learn about using the Praise-Question- Suggest Protocol to receive feedback on the lesson? What would you do differently if you were go to use this process back in school/district? 16

Quiet Time to Write Turn in your participant notebook to and reflect on the learning targets. 1.I can design writing tasks that address specific standards. 2.I can develop responsive, supplemental, Common Core-aligned writing lessons to meet students’ needs. How you would you self assess your progress on these targets during this session? 17

Turn and Share Turn and share your reflection with an elbow partner 18

Thank you! 19