N EDAVNO ISKUSTVO U SLANJU PREDLOGA PROJEKATA U OKVIRU H ORIZON 2020 Doc. dr Valentina Basarić Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Fakultet tehničkih nauka Departman.


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Presentation transcript:

N EDAVNO ISKUSTVO U SLANJU PREDLOGA PROJEKATA U OKVIRU H ORIZON 2020 Doc. dr Valentina Basarić Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Fakultet tehničkih nauka Departman za saobraćaj Info dan “Predstavljanje konkretnih otvorenih poziva u okviru HORIZON 2020 “

D RAFT H ORIZON 2020 W ORK P ROGRAMME IN THE AREA OF T RANSPORT  CALL ‘MOBILITY FOR GROWTH’ 1. Aviation 2. Rail 3. Road 4. Waterborne 5. Urban mobility 6. Logistics 7. Intelligent transport systems 8. Infrastructure 9. Socio-economic and behavioural research and forward looking activities for policy making

 CALL ‘GREEN VEHICLES’  CALL ‘SMALL BUSINESS AND FAST TRACK INNOVATION FOR TRANSPORT  OTHER ACTIONS 1. Developing a public European environmental modelling suite for aviation 2. Europe wide open source transport models, technology watch, data and scenarios 3. External expertise for evaluation and monitoring 4. External expertise to advise on EU research policy 5. An inducement prize for the cleanest engine  BUDGET: SMART, GREEN AND INTEGRATED TRANSPORT

I PROJEKAT Horizon 2020 Call: H2020-MG-2014_SingleStage_A Topic: MG Type of action: Coordination and Support Actions (CSA) Proposal title: Mobility’s Evolution and Societal Trends Proposal acronym: MobiTrends -13 participanata (Grčka, Izrael, Nemačka, Švedska, Belgija, Portugal, Turska, Italija, Velika Britanija i Srbija) - Učesnici: univerziteti, naučni instituti, konsultantske kuće, kompanije – direktni korisnici rezultata istraživanja.

TABLE OF CONTENTS List of participants 1. Excellence 1.1 Objectives 1.2 Relation to the work programme 1.3 Concept and approach, quality of the coordination and support measures 2. Impact 2.1 Expected impacts 2.2 Measures to maximise impact 3. Implementation 3.1 Work plan – Work packages, deliverables and milestones 3.2 Management structure and procedures 3.3 Consortium as a whole 3.4 Resources to be committed References

II PROJEKAT - Horizon 2020 Call: H2020-MG- 2014_TwoStages Topic: MG Type of action: RIA Proposal acronym: GATA Proposal title: Geo-spatial Analysis of Traffic Accidents with a focus on vulnerable road users - 7 participanata : Slovenija, Slovačka, Hrvatska, BiH, Hrvatska, Srbija III PROJEKAT - H2020-MG-2014_TwoStages Topic: MG Type of action: RIA Proposal title: Planning URban Innovative Transport sYstems Proposal acronym: PURITY - 9 participanata: UK, Rumunija, Italija, Egipat, Finska, Srbija

TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 EXCELLENCES (Objectives, Relation to Work Programme, Scope, Concept and Approach, Research Methodology, Activities, Ambitions…) 2 IMPACT - Expected Impacts

POZITIVNI EFEKTI APLIKACIJA: 1. Uspostavljanje saradnje sa 30 inostranih institucija (timovi za buduće projekte, naučne radove, konferencije, me đ unarodna razmena studenata i naučnih radnika). 2. Afirmacija naučnih radnika i Univerziteta. 3. Smernice za dalji tok istraživanja finansiranih od strane nacionalnih izvora i predpristupnih fondova EU – NEOPHODNOST FORMIRANJA I AŽURIRANJA BAZA PODATAKA. 4. Jačanje svesti o neophodnosti formiranja multidisciplinarnih timova naučnika i saradnje izme đ u različitih aktera na lokalnom nivou (naučni sektor, privreda, donosioci odluka na različitim nivoima vlasti…).


Topics: 1.MG : Strengthening the research and innovation strategies of the transport industries in Europe 2.MG-7.2b-2014: Towards seamless mobility addressing fragmentation in ITS deployment in Europe 3.MG-8.1b-2014: Smarter design, construction and maintenance 4.MG-8.2b-2014: Next generation transport infrastructure: resource efficient, smarter and safer 5.MG-3.5b-2014: Cooperative ITS for safe, congestion-free and sustainable mobility Avgust 2014

1. GV : Next generation of competitive Li-ion batteries to meet customer expectations 2. GV : Optimised and systematic energy management in electric vehicles 3. GV : Future natural gas powertrains and components for cars and vans 4. GV : Hybrid light and heavy duty vehicles 5. GV : Electric two-wheelers and new ultra-light vehicle concepts 6. GV : Future alternative fuel powertrains and components for heavy duty vehicles

Topics: 1. MG : International cooperation in aeronautics 2. MG : Transport societal drivers 3. MG : Fostering transnational cooperation in European transport research and innovation – NCP network Mart 2015

1. MG : Enhancing resource efficiency of aviation 2. MG-3.6a-2015: Safe and connected automation in road transport 3. MG : System modelling and life-cycle cost optimisation for waterborne assets 4. MG : Strengthening the knowledge and capacities of local authorities 5. MG-5.5a-2015: Demonstrating and testing innovative solutions for cleaner and better urban transport and mobility 6. MG : Common communication and navigation platforms for pan-European logistics applications 7. MG-8.4a-2015: Smart governance, network resilience and streamlined delivery of infrastructure innovation

Avgust 2015 Topics: 1.MG : Facilitating market take up of innovative transport infrastructure solutions 2.MG-3.6b-2015: Safe and connected automation in road transport 3.MG-5.5b-2015: Demonstrating and testing innovative solutions for cleaner and better urban transport and mobility 4.MG-8.4b-2015: Smart governance, network resilience and streamlined delivery of infrastructure innovation

Topics: 1. GV : Powertrain control for heavy-duty vehicles with optimised emission 2. GV : Electric vehicles’ enhanced performance and integration into the transport system and the grid