Bruno Belbute, October 2006 Presentation Rehearsal for the Follow-up meeting of the Protocol between AdI and CERN
Bruno Belbute, October Overview ❚ AdI stands for “Agência de Inovação” (I believe it can be translated as “Innovation Agency”). ❚ AdI has a protocol with CERN that allows young portuguese graduates to profit from advanced scientific or technological FORMATION at CERN on the scheme of on-the-job-training. ❚ It is on behalf of that protocol that I’m here. ❚ I was asked to make a 10 min presentation about the developed work this year, to be presented next October 25 to representatives of AdI coming at CERN. ❚ My presentation follows…
Bruno Belbute, October 2006 Follow-up meeting of the Administrative Protocol between AdI, S.A. and CERN for the on-the-job training of Portuguese technical graduates SFRH / BEST / /2004
Bruno Belbute, October Overview ❚ CERN ❙ European Organization for Nuclear Research ❚ LHC ❙ Large Hadron Collider ❚ LHCb ❙ Large Hadron Collider beauty ❙ Aimed at measuring the parameters of CP violation in the interactions of b-hadrons (heavy particles containing a bottom quark). ❚ LHCb Computing Group ❙ Provides support for all software development, management of the computing infrastructure, building of common components, choice of architectural designs and standards on the LHCb experiment. ❙ Design of the LHCb’s Experiment Control System.
Bruno Belbute, October Experiment Control System ❚ ECS stands for Experiment Control System. ❚ ECS will be in charge of the configuration, monitoring and operation of all experimental equipment. ❚ ECS is a hierarchical system built as a tree of interconnected control nodes. ❚ ECS makes use of the concept of Finite State Machines (FSM).
Bruno Belbute, October Experiment Control System ❚ Based on the PVSS II SCADA system toolkit. ❚ The monitoring and control of the experiment’s infrastructure is one of the sub-systems of ECS and comprises: ❙ Control of the power distribution to the racks and crates housing the electronics. ❙ Monitoring of environment parameters like temperature, humidity, etc.
Bruno Belbute, October ECS Scope Detector Channels Front End Electronics Readout Network High Level Trigger Storage L0 Experiment Control System DAQ DCS Devices (HV, LV, GAS, Temperatures, etc.) External Systems (LHC, Technical Services, Safety, etc) TFC
Bruno Belbute, October ECS Generic Architecture... To Devices (HW or SW) Commands Status & Alarms ECS DCSDAQ DetDcs1 DetDcs N SubSys 1 SubSys 2 Dev 1 Dev 2 Dev 3 DetDaq 1 SubSysN Dev N LHC T.S.... GAS Infrastructure Control Units Device Units...
Bruno Belbute, October Control Nodes ❚ At the higher levels we have control nodes called Control Units (CU) on which an operator can connect to take the control on the associated sub tree of the system. ❚ At the very lower level we have the control nodes called Devices Units (DU) connected to real hardware components they supervise. ❚ A FSM toolkit was developed in order to allow the definition of the behaviour of the control nodes, this toolkit also provides a general FSM panel that allows to see the FSM tree bellow a specified Control Unit.
Bruno Belbute, October Developed Work ❚ My task was to include three types of hardware under the LHCb's ECS, namely: ❙ High Voltage Caen Power Supplies ❙ Low Voltage Caen Power Supplies ❙ Wiener Marathon Power Supplies ❚ Two different components were released: ❙ High Voltage Component (High Voltage Caen Power Supplies) ❙ Low Voltage Component (Low Voltage Caen Power Supplies and Wiener Marathon Power Supplies) ❚ A Finite State Machine and an operation/visualization set of panels was defined and implemented according to the group's ECS guidelines.
Bruno Belbute, October High Voltage Component OFF READY RAMP_OFF RAMP_READY RAMP_SB1 RAMP_SB2 STANDBY1 STANDBY2 ERROR RECOVER ❚ A transition to and from ERROR can occur from any and to any state. Those transitions are not indicated for readability reasons. ❚ The commands Go_OFF, Go_READY, Go_STANDBY1 and Go_STANDBY2 are not indicated for readability reasons.
Bruno Belbute, October High Voltage Component
Bruno Belbute, October Low Voltage Component OFFREADY NOT_READY Switch_OFF Switch_ON Switch_OFF Switch_ON
Bruno Belbute, October Low Voltage Component
Bruno Belbute, October Conclusions ❚ Learned how to use a SCADA system (namely PVSS II) to communicate with real hardware. ❚ Opportunity to know people form all over the world, valuable for personal and professional purposes. ❚ Opportunity to work on a international scientific institute.
Bruno Belbute, October 2006 Added Information Just for the Online Meeting
Bruno Belbute, October More on the Components ❚ In reality FOUR types of hardware where included under the LHCb's ECS, namely: ❙ High Voltage Caen Power Supplies ❙ Low Voltage Caen Power Supplies ❙ Wiener Marathon Power Supplies ❙ Wiener Power Supplies ❚ THREE different components were built: ❙ High Voltage Component (High Voltage Caen Power Supplies) ❙ Low Voltage Component (Low Voltage Caen Power Supplies and Wiener Marathon Power Supplies) ❙ Wiener Component (Wiener Power Supplies) – never released ❚ A Finite State Machine and an operation/visualization set of panels was defined and implemented to each one of those components.
Bruno Belbute, October More on the Components ❚ The HV and LV components use the functionalities provided by the “FSM-ConfDB Interface”. ❚ What is it? ❙ The FSM transitions will require the re-configuration of parts of the ECS. All configuration parameters of the devices integrating the control systems are stored in an external database called Configuration DB. ❙ The main task of the FSM-ConfDB Interface is to ensure the availability of the configuration data in PVSS, used during the FSM transitions, for a given type of run mode, e.g. PHYSICS, COSMICS, etc. This is achieved by synchronizing the contents of the Configuration DB and of the PVSS internal caches used by the FSM at the beginning of the run. ❙ More information on: Components/FSMConfDB/welcome.html
Bruno Belbute, October More on the Components ❚ Caution: ❙ System is only prepared to work with recipies on Cache, no connection or synchronization whit the Configuration Database is provided. ❙ For now the Configurator has to be initialized “by hand”. ❚ Good news: ❙ Tools for creating the first time recipies and adding the Configurators to a FSM tree are provided. ❚ Questions: ❙ Where are this tools and what do they do? ❙ What is a Configurator?
Bruno Belbute, October More on the Components
Bruno Belbute, October More on the Components Vertex HV ConfDB ❚ All FSMConfDB DU must be initialized (for now by hand). ❚ Builds an internal list of DU in the SMI++ domain to be configured. ❚ Initializes the connection to the ConfDB or Chache. ❚ When a command is given, the FSMConfDB DU applies the recipe to the proper DUs. LVCooling CU DU DU FSM-ConfDB
Bruno Belbute, October More on HV Component ❚ It is released, more information on: ❙ ❚ There are some more panels I didn’t show yet! Let’s see them all…
Bruno Belbute, October More on HV Component
Bruno Belbute, October More on HV Component
Bruno Belbute, October More on HV Component
Bruno Belbute, October More on LV Component ❚ It is released, more information on: ❙ ❚ It is the only one I know it’s been used by several people in different sub- experiments. ❚ Panels and functionality similar to HV Component.
Bruno Belbute, October Wiener Component ❚ It has not been released. ❚ It was meant to be used on the work I’m doing right now. We'll see that latter. ❚ Let’s just have a look at how it looks:
Bruno Belbute, October Wiener Component ❚ DCS domain, so the FSM is just like the LV one. ❚ It was not made to work with the FSM-Conf DB Interface. ❚ It has a similar panel to the HV and LV, with small leds representing the crates. ❚ The details panel looks like this:
Bruno Belbute, October Wiener Component
Bruno Belbute, October Current Work ❚ The Rack Control Application it was tested with the set of racks on building 4. Some problems found and sent to correction. ❚ A tool for constructing automatically the FSM for the Barracks is being implemented. ❚ How will it work?
Bruno Belbute, October Current Work ❚ It reads the information on Zones (Barracks), Racks and Wiener Crates from the EMDB. ❚ It adds all of those to the hardware view of the DEN, it uses those to create the FSM. ❚ FSM Objects are being implemented. ❚ The structure of the FSM is being thought.
Bruno Belbute, October Current Work ❚ As far as I defined until now it will look like this: CU Barrack LU Rack DU Rack LU Crate DU Crate see rack panel see wiener panel
Bruno Belbute, October 2006 END