Mercy Community Services, Queensland. Presented by Susan Russell, Hannah Wallis and Annaley Clarke Organisational Change Through a Trauma Lens
6/02/14 Trauma impacts on organisations the same way it impacts on individuals ‘Caregiving organisations are repositories for trauma’ William A Kahn, 2014.
6/02/14 Organisations can be traumatised. The impact of the trauma looks different. However, it has the same level of debilitating effects.
Why is this important to us? Mercy Gov InquiryAmalgamation New Organisation Model
Recognise change and its impact Empower staff at all levels to lead Own our Vulnerabilities Live out our Organisation Values Change and move forward Capitalise on our strengths and differences Trauma Lens
6/02/14 Parallel Process When two or more systems – whether these consist of individuals, groups, or organisations – have significant relationships with one another, they tend to develop similar: K. K. Smith, V.M. Simmons, and T.B. Thames, The journal of applied behavioral science, (1): p
6/02/14 Parallel Process in Tough Times Clients Aggressive Stuck Hopeless Staff Stressed Crisis Driven Fragmented Helpless (blame org/client) Scapegoat clients Organisation Crisis Driven Fragmented Helpless Aggressive/punitive Stuck Hopeless, demoralised Organisation Staff Clients
6/02/14 Parallel Process Clients Hopeful Safe Capable Empowered Staff Hopeful Safe Clear direction Willing to change Empowered Organisation Hopeful Competent Adaptable Accessible Future Focused Organisation Staff Clients
Change Management Plan and implement Include and involve Focus on continuous improvement Communicate, communicate, communicate Everyone matters
- The launch of the new Mercy Community Services. - The organizational response to the state wide child protection inquiry. - The introduction of a client management data system. EXAMPLES
6/02/14 The Sanctuary Model - A Trauma Informed Care Model Whole of systems trauma informed model which promotes safety and recovery. This model says to service our clients, we must be equally focused on both the people who deliver service as well as the systems that provide these services.
6/02/14 Trauma Informed Care Models How this buffers the organisation from trauma Sanctuary Theories Theories that help staff and clients understand how adversity impacts on themselves and others. Includes collective disturbance and parallel process. Sanctuary Commitments Set of commitments for clients, staff and the organisation. SELF A problem-solving framework which is applicable to all individual, family, group or organisational settings. SAFETY, EMOTION, LOSS, FUTURE Sanctuary Tool Kit Set of tools that are practical and simple interventions that mitigates the negative effects of chronic stress and adversity.