VA General / Vascular Surgery Dec 17 th - Dec 23 rd Sihong Suy Abel Gebre-Giorgis Matthew Caldwell Thomas Orwin Eden Payabyab Katarzyna Trebska-McGowan
DatePatientAtt/ResDxProcedure 12/19Vu/SuyLeft liver massRFA of liver mass 12/19Miller/PayabyabCauda equina syndrome with sacral decubitus ulcer Diverting loop colostomy 12/19Miller/SuyChronic cholecystitisOpen cholecystectomy 12/19Iberdemaj/GebreBilateral inguinal herniaLap herniorhaphy 12/19Iberdemaj/ Payabyab/Suy LipomaExcision of… 12/19Iberdemaj/GebrePerforated diverticulitisSigmoidectomy with Hartmann 12/19Amendola/TrebskaRight arm hematoma s/p AV graft Evacuation of hematoma and removal of graft 12/20Davis/SuyESRDRight AV fistula 12/20Iberdemaj/GebreRight arm hematoma s/p AVF Evacuation of hematoma OR Cases
DatePatientAtt/ResDxProcedure 12/20Krawcheck/ Payabyab Left inguinal herniaHerniorrhaphy 12/20Krawcheck/ Tresbka Venous access for chemotherapy Port-a-cath placement 12/20Iberdemaj/TrebskaHemorrhoidsHemorrhoidectomy 12/21Vu/SuySigmoid cancerSigmoidectomy 12/21Krawcheck/TrebskaLipomaExcision of… 12/21Iberdemaj/GebreSymptomatic cholelithiasisLap cholecystectomy 12/21Iberdemaj/GebreStrangulated parastomal hernia Colostomy revision and small bowel resection 12/23Vu/TrebskaRight breast scarRemoval of… 12/23Krawcheck/ Payabyab LipomaExcision of… OR Cases
DatePatientAtt/ResDxProcedure 12/23Iberdemaj/GebreRespiratory failure requiring enteric feeding access Open gastrostomy 12/23Krawcheck/ Trebska Sebaceous cystExcision of… 12/23Krawcheck/ Trebska Perirectal abscessEUA, incision and drainage OR Cases
DatePatientAtt/ResComplicationProcedure 12/14Amendola/GebreRight arm hematomaAV graft 12/20Davis/SuyRight arm hematomaRight AV fistula Death and Complications