MIS 2000 Information Systems for Management Introduction to Course Section Bob Travica
Outline Course at a Glance Assignments MIS 2000 and MIS major courses
Course at a Glance Course outline, marking and structure: Structure: lectures, teamwork, discussion, demos, labs Assignments: 1. IST or Case Report & Presentation 2. Transactions tracking and management reporting with MS Access 3. Decision making with MS Excel Class participation is about talking on the topic in class: If you do not attend, you can’t talk and get credit Information Systems for Management 1 of 6
Course at a Glance UofM’s Virtual Learning Commons (doing research, writing paper, academic integrity)Virtual Learning Commons Teaching materials: Concept list on your instructor’s WebsiteWebsite Class notes (slides) – same Website Other materials – same Website To save and print class notes of the Web site use the procedures listed in the footer of this slide Information Systems for Management 2 of 6
Information Systems for Management 3 of 6 Assignment: IST or Case Report Make a team of four based on a major area Elect a coordinator Identify an IT or IS that is leading edge. Alternative: Choose a case to analyze. Prepare the report and a presentation of it (Check IST/Case assignment in the syllabus) This assignment runs through semester and you have a chance to use broad knowledge you will develop
Assignment: Transactions tracking and management reporting with MS Access Use same team as for other assignments (if possible) Build a small Access database with forms for entering data and reports for crating outputs Create a data diagram (basic tool for analyzing information needed in business) Learning support: Class tutorial Lab tutorial Information Systems for Management4 of 6
Assignment: Decision Making with MS Excel Use same team as for other assignments (if possible) Create a spreadsheet in Excel to analyze and recommend a solution for a management problem What-if analysis and optimization analysis Learning support: Lab tutorial Information Systems for Management 5 of 6
MIS and Other Management Disciplines Information Systems for Management 6 of 6 Information systems support every department and most tasks in today’s organizations MIS is linked with all management disciplines Understanding MIS makes a better accountant, marketer, HR specialist, purchasing specialist… At Asper, MIS courses cover MIS Strategy, databases, IS Analysis & Design, computer networks, and accounting IS