1 Biology 102 Laboratory 5 Veins Human/Cat Gross Anatomy Histology
2 Review of vessels
6 Review of last lab’s vessels
10 Review of last lab’s vessels
11 Review of last lab’s vessels
12 Objectives for Lab 5 Identify the veins listed below in a human model or photograph of a human. Identify the veins listed below on a dissected cat or photograph of a cat. Describe the layers/tunics and histological characteristics of veins. Trace the path of a drop of blood through the arteries AND veins, including the heart and pulmonary circulation.
13 Comparison of Walls of Arteries and Veins Smooth muscle of the tunica media in both arteries and veins is innervated by the sympathetic nervous system. Figure from: Hole’s Human A&P, 12 th edition, 2010
14 Major Vessels of the Venous System Figure from: Hole’s Human A&P, 12 th edition, 2010
15 Major Veins of the Brain, Head, and Neck * * * * * External jugular v. drains blood from face, scalp, and superficial neck regions Figure from: Hole’s Human A&P, 12 th edition, 2010
16 Major Veins of the Brain, Head, and Neck Figure from: Martini, Anatomy & Physiology, Prentice Hall, 2001
17 Location of Internal and External Jugular V. External Jugular v. Internal Jugular v. SCM Figure from: Anatomy & Physiology Revealed, 2010
18 Major Veins - Upper Limb and Shoulder * * * * * * * Median cubital vein is often used to draw blood (venipuncture) * * * (deep) (superficial) Figure from: Hole’s Human A&P, 12 th edition, 2010 * *
19 Major Veins - Upper Limb and Shoulder Figure from: Martini, Anatomy & Physiology, Prentice Hall, 2001 Note the deep veins (radial, ulnar, brachial) and the superficial veins (cephalic, basilic, median cubital) of the upper limb
20 Veins That Drain the Abdominal Viscera * * * Figure from: Martini, Anatomy & Physiology, Prentice Hall, 2001 * * * * *
21 Main Veins of the Lower Limb and Pelvis * * * * * * * Figure from: Hole’s Human A&P, 12 th edition, 2010 *
22 Cat Blood Vessel Dissection Schedule Blood vessel labs –Dissection 1(1 st lab - arteries above diaphragm and upper limb) Preparing the cat (see page 706 in Marieb) Cardiovascular (pp in Marieb) –Dissection 2 (last lab - arteries below diaphragm and lower limbs) Arteries below diaphragm (see Marieb) –Dissection 3 (today - all veins; review arteries) Veins (see Marieb)
23 Reminders for Cat Dissection You must wear gloves and goggles for this lab! ABSOLUTELY NO FOOD OR DRINK Be EXTREMELY careful when using the scalpels –Keep your index finger on the top of the blade –Be careful not to inadvertently cut structures Use a blunt probe, or your gloved fingers to dissect away tissue. Use the scalpel ONLY for initial cutting. Proceed S-L-O-W-L-Y. Discard scraps/liquid into the appropriate container Gloves, paper towels, plastic bags -> regular trash
24 Continuing with Cat Dissection… Work in groups you formed for dissection of arteries Get some paper towels and keep them at your lab table Get your instruments and dissecting tray (large trays in the front of the lab) ready Get a cat and cut open the sealed bag but don’t discard the fluid; you’ll be using this cat all semester and replacing the fluid each time. Let the cat out of the bag - again! You should be able to locate all the veins listed in your Lab Guide
25 Left ventricle of heart Aorta Right ventricle of heart Right atrium of heart Superior vena cava Right subclavian artery Right brachiocephalic vein Right subclavian vein Right common carotid artery Right external jugular vein Left common carotid artery Left external jugular vein Left subclavian vein Left brachiocephalic vein Left subclavian artery Brachiocephalic artery
26 Transverse jugular vein External jugular veins
27 Esophagus Descending aorta Left atrium Pulmonary trunk Aortic arch Left subclavian artery Diaphragm Left ventricle Right ventricle Ascending aorta Brachiocephalic artery
28 Hepatic portal vein Duodenum Pancreas Superior mesenteric vein Spleen Gastrosplenic vein Inferior mesenteric vein
29 Gonadal artery Descending aorta Left adrenolumbar artery Celiac trunk Inferior mesenteric artery Inferior vena cava Renal vein Superior mesenteric artery
30 Uterine horn Inferior vena cava Kidney Colon Superior mesenteric artery Inferior vena cava Celiac trunk Descending aorta Left renal vein Left renal artery Left gonadal (ovarian) vein Left ureter Left gonadal (ovarian) artery Left ovary Left iliolumbar artery Left iliolumbar vein
31 Right gonadal vein Iliolumbar vein Right femoral vein Common iliac vein Left gonadal vein Renal vein Left adrenolumbar vein Inferior vena cava
32 Left gonadal vein Descending aorta Renal vein Left kidney Inferior vena cava Right kidney Gonadal artery
33 Inferior vena cava Descending aorta Internal iliac artery External iliac artery Left femoral vein Left femoral artery
34 Great saphenous vein Left external iliac vein Left internal iliac vein Left common iliac vein Inferior vena cava Iliolumbar vein Right common iliac vein Right internal iliac vein Right external iliac vein Femoral vein Deep femoral vein Median sacral vein
35 Things you should do in lab today Examine the vein slide under the microscope –Name/identify the layers of the vein –Describe how each layer (tunic) is constructed –Refer to Marieb’s Lab Manual Figure 32.2 right side Perform cat dissection of veins listed for Lab 5. See Marieb’s Lab manual pp for instructions. Review human veins listed for Lab 5 Complete Lab 5 Assignment on a separate sheet of paper, put your name on it, and hand it in today. –Use figures 32.8 – as a guide
36 Next Lab… Blood Pressure –Read ahead: Exercise 33 in Marieb’s Lab Manual –Review the handout (available online) ECG (EKG) –Read ahead: Exercise 31 in Marieb’s Lab Manual –Review the handout (available online – same one as for BP) Wear comfortable clothes/shoes since you’ll be exercising!