MATEYKA/SHAPRIO NOTE TAKING FORMAT You will be doing this every night when you read and in class as well
Datepg 1a Pg#Summary or Ques/comment location Pg#What happensWhy it happens/ Your Brain work Pg3Georgie comes white a symbol? home Pg153 rd parawhat does “blanche” mean?
Datepg 1b You keep track of what we say and what your class says about the reading You write the notes directly across the page from your notes that correspond, draw arrows to show the answer to a question White is a symbol for__ because___ Or you add in new notes for things that you missed To turn white or lose color
Georgie pgs /3/13 1a Pg31 st para is he talking? Pg 7description where is he? of room Pg12intro Ruby I think she is a nurse or something cause of her clothes, he is mad at her for something 9/4/13 1b No – no quotes are the clue We don’t know yet – dirty, empty, only a mattress Class said: doctor, sister, nurse – I still think nurse NURSE You can highlight when you get an answer or to draw attention to something you learned You can also draw pictures of a scene to help you remember