Polygons are many-sided figures, with sides that are line segments. Polygons are named according to the number of sides and angles they have.
Can be “regular” – all sides and all angles are equal to each other. Regular or irregular?
Try to draw it in your notebook. Talk and Turn to discover whether this is possible or not. Why or why not?
Two sides of equal length Three acute angles Sum of angles = 180°
Teacher: When I say, isosceles, you say 2 sides equal! Isosceles! Students: 2 sides equal!
All sides equal length Three acute angles Sum of angles = 180° Is a regular polygon
Teacher: When I say, equilateral, you say all sides equal! Equilateral! Students: all sides equal!
No sides are equal No angles are equal May have obtuse angle Sum of angles = 180 °
Teacher: When I say, scalene, you say NO sides equal! Scalene! Students: NO sides equal!
By their angles!!
Has 1 right angle! 90 degrees The little square box in the corner
Can you make a triangle with 2 right angles? Why or why not?
Triangle with all angles LESS than 90 degrees. The curve shows that it is an acute angle. ALL triangles have some acute angles. An acute triangle is special, because it has ALL acute angles.
A triangle with one obtuse angle (more than 90 degrees) Talk and Turn: can you make a triangle with more than one obtuse angle? Why or why not?
4 sides 4 angles QUAD = 4
There are many types of SPECIAL quadrilaterals
Opposite sides are parallel Opposite side are equal in length Each angle equals 90° Sum of angles = 360°
All sides equal All angles equal and are 90 ° each Sum of angles = 360 ° Is a regular polygon
Two sides are parallel Has obtuse and acute angles Sometimes has a right angle Sum of angles = 360 °
All four sides of equal length Opposite angles are equal – 2 acute angles, 2 obtuse angles Sum of angles = 360 ° Regular polygon
Opposite sides parallel Opposite sides equal in length Opposite angles equal Sum of angles = 360 °
cf32e4/Polygon- Song cf32e4/Polygon- Song
5 sides Sum of angles = 540 ° Regular polygon
6 sides Sum of angles = 720 ° Can be regular polygon
8 sides Sum of angles = 1080 ° Can be regular polygon
9 sided polygon 9 angles
10 sides Sum of angles = 1440° Can be regular polygon