CS 146 Description brief summary: This course covers a study of the algorithmic approach in the analysis of problems and their computational solutions. We will use the Visual Basic as a programming language for this course. The course assumes NO programming experience, but you should already have basic computing skills, like being able to copy files from one place to another, renaming files, making folders. You should expect to spend an average of 6-9 hours per week outside class on this course. The course may not be counted toward a computer science major or minor. Location: SH B103 Lectures: Mon-Wed-Fri at 08:00 am Labs: Fri at 08:00 am Prerequisites: Two years of high school algebra or concurrent enrollment in a college algebra course. Credits: 3 hours
Instructor Contact Information Office hours: 9:30am -11:30 am every Tuesday and Thursday in 4135 COHH or by appointment Other people: TAs and tutoring Class web page: abumuhfouz/cs146
Required Materials Text Book: Pearson Custom: Computer Science. Introduction to Programming with Visual Basic. Chapters written by Davil I. Schneider. ISBN 10: ISBN 13: Class Webpage: Reading Software: Visual Basic 2012 Express ( link )link Technology/Tools
Course Objectives Course OutcomeSkills Developed Design and structure the solution to problems Write Visual Basic programs using object- oriented programming techniques including classes, objects, methods, instance variables, composition, and inheritance, and polymorphism. Develop and understand various programming techniques Write Windows applications using forms, controls, and events. Design, create, build, and debug Visual Basic applications. Understand the fundamentals of problem solving
Instructional Methods In this class we will use a mix of instructional methods Lectures (Slides and whiteboard). Demonstrations for programs and examples. Individual projects. Labs assignments. Class discussion.
Assessment Criteria 3 Lab Tests (Comprehensive) 40% Programming Assignments(Projects) 30% Lecture Attendance & Quizzes 15% Lab Attendance & Assignments 15%
Lab Tests 40% (Open Book) Lab Test 1 10% Friday October :00 am Lab Test 2 10% Friday November :00 am Lab Test 3 (Final) 20% Friday December am
Program Assignments 30% Program 1 8% Sunday September 27 By Midnight Program 2 10% Sunday October 25 By Midnight Program 3 12% Sunday November 29 Midnight
Grading Scale
Plagiarism / Cheating
Plagiarism / Cheating Using other people's code as your own. Attempt to make code appear to work when it does not. NO assistance from someone else on Lab or Lecture tests or Individual Labs or Homework Only talk in GENERAL TERMS about program assignments, not specifics Do NOT "work together" on the source code of a program
Resources Web & Software Tools Class web site Google, YouTube, others Practice … Practice.. Practice.. People InstructorTA Labs, Study Groups LabsStudy groups
Important Info me I check my several times a day Give me at most 36 hours to reply I don’t check on Saturday Withdraw Wednesday October 14 DeadLines Not negotiable
Lecture Polices
Laptop Polices Lecture Studies show most students with laptops open in front of them are NOT paying attention to the lecture IF you insist on using a laptop in lecture, you MUST sit in the very BACK row of the classroom, so that you distract only yourself and not other students Lab There are sufficient computers in each lab for every student but you can use your own laptop if you wish, even for lab tests
Mythbusting about CS 146 It's a 100-level course, it's EASY! or not much work! or trivial! (It’s not) You can cram the night before the tests and get through the course ok (you can’t) You can wait until the day the programs are due to start work on them (you can’t) You can just memorize code (you can’t) It’s mostly CS majors! (it isn’t), lets watch this..this
Seeking Help
What to do next lecture Read Chapter 1 and 2. Download Microsoft visual Studio Express Here is the LinkLink There is no Lab this Friday, instead we will take a lecture.