Warm-up Mail Person: Pass Out Paper in Mail Box Please read the directions to Campaign for the Presidency and begin filling out the information.
Announcements Test and ISN Check Friday Glue Sticks due Friday Trash in the mailboxes and pencil boxes is a BIG NO-NO!
To Do List for Today 1.Finish Vocabulary on Pg 60 of ISN 2. Copy chart titled “Duties of Citizens” from pg 91 of Social Studies Book onto page 54 of ISN. Only use top part of your page. 3.At the bottom of pg 54 of ISN, write a 7 sentence paragraph minimum about the rights & responsibilities we have in the USA under a democracy (limited), compared to communism (unlimited). (pg 709)
To Do List for Today 4. Brochure-ISN 62 Title President Brochure. Read Bonus, it tells you what to do. 5. Read “How can citizens participate” page 65 in your ISN, Answer #2 and #5 on page 64 of ISN 6. Glue your Government Test Review Sheet to page 47 in your ISN
Government Test Review Sheet-ISN 47 1.Limited vs. Unlimited Booklet & Definitions 2.Different Forms of Government-World of Governments Handout 3.Definitions of Different Forms of Government 4.Different Forms of Government Chart 5.Double Bubble Map (Limited & Unlimited) 6.Citizenship Vocabulary 7.Origins of Democracy-pg 280 SS Book 8.Basic Institutions of societies-ex: government, economic, educational, and religious institutions 9.Duties of Citizens