Course Performance Expectations Global Issues Ms. Berube Parent Signature: me or give me a phone number:
HOW DO GLOBAL ISSUES DEVELOP AS A RESULT OF THE INTERACTION AMONG HUMAN AND PHYSICAL SYSTEMS? Environmental issues Spread of pandemics among social classes Developed and Underdeveloped countries Natural Resources Trade and Trade agreements Natural and Physical catastrophes Traditional warfare and contemporary conflicts
Who has the power to influence global issues? International agencies Commercial interests to resolve issues Role of governments in resolving issues Impact of alliances Superpowers
How do demographics affect the way people view global issues? Compare domestic to international views Opposing viewpoints Use demographics such as race, gender, ethnicity, class, etc. to compare global issues Impact of Religion and Ideologies
What impact do responses to the global issue have on the population? Educational strategies Environmental impact of industrialization Various responses by agencies Outsourcing Diplomacy v Hostile Response After effects
How do you develop a solution to a global issue? Research Evaluate Pros and Cons Develop a proposal
GRADING CRITERIA Quarterly grades will be determined by the following system:
Tests and all projects, which may include posters and three- dimensional exhibits, charts, graphs, etc. beyond the written papers count double. The above and all quizzes total 75% of the marking period grade. Homework and class participation are very valuable and contribute considerably to the understanding of the course material. They count 20% of the marking period grade. Effort constitutes the other 5%. There is no extra credit.
Strategies For Student Success The goal of the program is to hold students accountable for learning essential skills and knowledge during the school year. A second intent is to promote a greater level of home- school communication. The program pertains specifically to test and projects that culminate in demonstrating what students have learned. A minimum grade of 70 on those activities is the goal.
It is important that you learn the basic steps to achieve the skills necessary to complete the projects for this course. You will be creating a note book filled with many activities to achieve the appropriate research goals. These activities will be the foundation towards completing the major projects for this course. If a student does not achieve a minimum of a 70 this notebook will be reevaluated. Students must avail themselves for extra help if that is what is necessary. Projects are due on time and then students may be directed to make necessary corrections to achieve the minimum goal. Students have one week to make corrections once project has been assessed and returned.
Student Responsibility/Conduct The following expectations and conduct are basic to your success in this course. You will be expected to assist in your education by doing the following:
As upper classman I expect very little in the way of discipline problems. This is an elective with heavy emphasis on research, critical thinking and producing a variety of finished assessments. If you have attendance issues please resolve them. I am here every day except Wednesdays. You are free to me for assignments- Tardies are one point off your grade so please retain passes.
“Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other one thing.” Abraham Lincoln