Thank You CALS Career Services September 3rd, 2013
President The president shall: Preside over all CLUB and Board of Directors meetings; Appoint all positions and committee for which provisions have not otherwise been made in these Bylaws with the advice and consent of the CLUB Board of Directors. The President shall appoint all committee chairs with the exception of the Activities and Publicity Committees; The president will ensure that all committee chairs will fulfill their assigned responsibilities
Secretary The Secretary shall: Keep records of attendance and minutes of meetings; Handle all correspondence; Be the custodian of all official records of the CLUB; Serve as the administrative contact with the Institute; Be responsible for reports required in Article X, Section 10.2 of these Bylaws; and Maintain the membership requirements and assist the Treasurer in activities related to fundraising incentives dispersal.
Treasurer The Treasurer shall: Handle all receipts and, with the approval of the President and Senior CLUB Advisor, make all disbursements for the CLUB; Keep accurate records of all financial transactions of the CLUB; and At the end of the term of office, present the books to the Senior CLUB Advisor for audit. The treasurer shall ensure a reputable CPA firm file taxes for the CLUB and take action as necessary to maintain non-profit 501c3 status
Undergraduate Representative The Undergraduate Representative shall: Provide a defined undergraduate presence and voice on the CLUB Board of Directors and Perform all duties prescribed to ensure or increase undergraduate involvement in the CLUB.
CLUB Advisors The Co-CLUB Advisors shall: Be faculty or academic staff members of the DEPARTMENT; Serve as official ad-hoc liaisons between the CLUB and the DEPARTMENT; Approve all disbursements made by the Treasurer; Audit the Treasurer’s books; and Review the annual reports of the officers. At least one CLUB advisor or the DEPARTMENT head is required at executive board meetings and CLUB meetings. Advisors shall serve for at least 2 years.
Company Visits Sept. 10 – FDA Sep. 17 – Butterball Sep. 24 – Frito Lay / PepsiCo Oct. 1 – Diary Bar Training Oct. 8 – General Mills Oct. 15 – Novozymes / DB Refresher Oct. 22 – S&D Coffee Oct 29 – Chatham Hill Winery Nov. 5 – Mt. Olive
Committees Activities Awards Banquet Dinner Outreach Dairy Bar Public Service Product Development Wine and Cheese
Dairy Bar! October 17 th - 27 th Dairy Bar Training FSC Meeting Tuesday, Oct 1 st – Ice cream served after! Freezer Move Monday, Oct 7 th – We need volunteers! Important Dates
Shift Sign-ups Faculty and Staff –September 2-6 Undergrads –September 9-13 Graduate –September Sign-up sheet on bulletin board outside Schaub room 105 If you’ve worked before, sign up as a manager!
FSC Member Requirements – To be an Active FSC Member 3 shifts –To attend the Appreciation Dinner 4 shifts 2 must be either a stocking (6-9AM) or closing shift (8- 11PM) –Penalties Must find replacement OR… –Lose points and appreciation dinner
Dairy Bar Committee Meeting Next Tuesday, September 10 5:00 pm
At the 2014 IFT Meeting in New Orleans, they will be announcing which sections and clubs gave back the most Service must happen on a single day sometime in September 2 Saturdays this month without football: 14 th and 21 st Show of hands: 14 th at 9AM, 14 th at 1PM, 21 st at 9AM, or 21 st at 1PM Public Service The IFT Day of Service is this month!
Product Development Opportunity to Get Involved in IFT/IFTSA Get Experience in Product Development Competition Prizes
Competitions include.. The Disney-IFTSA Product Development Competition IFTSA & Mars Product Development Competition DDW- Natural Coloring Competitions for Students Danisco Knowledge Award ($$) IFT- Developing solutions for developing countries etc..
Upcoming Events Student Involvement Fair September 4 th, 10 am-2 pm, Brickyard Tailgate Saturday, 1 pm (NCSU vs. Richmond) Faculty/Staff vs Students Softball Game October 2 nd, 4-6 pm at Pullen Park
Thank You See you on September 10 th for FDA