WMO WIGOS Project Office and Project Oversight Board ICG-WIGOS-3; Geneva, February WMO; WIGOS-PO
WIGOS Project Office Following decision by Cg-XVI and subsequent recommendations by EC-64 and EC-65, WIGOS Project Office now staffed as follows: WIGOS PM (Riishojgaard, per 01/2014) WIGOS SO (Zahumensky) WIGOS SO (Nunes, per 11/2013) WIGOS WIR support (recruitment ongoing) The WIGOS Project Office is responsible for supporting all major elements of the WIGOS Implementation, under the guidance of EC, delegated to ICG-WIGOS SG, delegated to the WIGOS Project Oversight Board
WIGOS Project Oversight Board (SN 10/2012) CompositionMeetings Chair: DSG Members: D/OBS, D/ARE, D/CLW, D/DRA; Invited: D/WDS, D/WIS; POB-1: 31 January 2013 POB-2: 2 May 2013 POB-3: 1 November POB-4: March 2014
Major outcomes from WIGOS-POB-1 DSG underlined that more and intensive communications on WIGOS is needed; In this regard, WIGOS and its implementation should be undertaken by Members as change management process instead of a new system as itself. In communications and outreach to be done for WIGOS, there are four key messages: Who is responsible? Who is accountable? Who needs to be informed? Who needs to be consulted?
Major outcomes from WIGOS-POB-1 Members of POB were requested to provide comments and collaborate on the finalisation of the WIGOS Capacity Development (CD) Strategy and WIGOS Communications and Outreach Strategy. Based on it, the updated versions of the both Strategies will be submitted to ICG-WIGOS-2. D/OBS and D/DRA were requested to ensure consistency of WIGOS CD Strategy with WMO CD Strategy, and the WIGOS CD strategy shall be an integrated component of overall WMO CD Strategy.
Major outcomes from WIGOS-POB-2 WIR: Related/relevant experiences of other UN agencies should be taken into account in development of WIR; Steering committees of partner organizations and co-sponsored observing systems should be informed about WIR and involved, if feasible, in the development; Free access to WIR should be considered carefully respecting relevant data policies of stakeholders;
Major outcomes from WIGOS-POB-2 WIP, Table 2 to be completed as follows: Estimation of progress (in percentage) achieved in the priority/critical activities; Estimated costs (“RB” and “Shortfall”); Proposals for addressing the challenges and identified risks to be drafted. For Activity (Coordination and collaboration with partner organizations): Close coordination with GFCS related activities is needed and links between GFCS and WIGOS structures should be established based on outcomes from IBCS-1 (1-7 July);
Major outcomes from WIGOS-POB-3 WIGOS related assistance to Members in implementing WIGOS should be provided in coordination with other departments, the relevant WMO programmes and priorities, such as GFCS, DRR and LDCs, while building on what is already planned and exists. Taking into account the importance of QMS (practices and procedures to be developed, implemented and followed by Members), attention should be paid to the further development of overarching WMO QMF by the Directors of all respective departments under the leadership of D/WDS.
Major outcomes from WIGOS-POB-3 Resources requirements indicated in the WIP, Table 2 have to be reviewed for the most critical key activities (those in bold); Breakdown be provided for the POB-4.
Actions from WIGOS-POB-3 Based on the status of the development of WIGOS Technical Regulations (including the WIGOS Manual), POB-4 should be advised on the period for WIGOS Framework implementation. In case of set back, those activities of the WIP that can be implemented by Cg-17 and those that cannot be implemented by Cg-17 should be identified, including implications.
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