Dr. Wanda Bamberg, Superintendent of Schools June 29, 2010 The Road to Broad
62,792Students 111Square Miles 72Campuses 7EC/PK Campuses 1PreK Center 32Elementary Schools 10Intermediate Schools 9Middle Schools 49th Grade Schools 4High Schools 1Magnet High School 1Night High School 1Early College 1Credit Recovery High School 1Discipline Alternative Campus The District
EC/Pre-K Centers Elementary Schools Intermediate Schools Middle Schools 9 th Grade Schools District organization 5 Vertical Areas Organized by Feeder Patterns 1 Magnet Strand High Schools
Student Demographics 68.2% Hispanic 27% African American 1.5% Asian 2.2% White 0.01% Native American 62,792 Students Data from 2010 PEIMS 85.0% Economically Disadvantaged 69.0% At-risk 32.1% LEP 7.2% Special Education 22.7% Mobility Rate Districtwide Title Program
Aldine’s Economically Disadvantaged students achieved higher average proficiency rates than their state counterparts in reading and math at all grade levels.
3 Levels NCEA Best Practice Framework 5 Themes
Theme I: Curriculum and Academic Goals Curriculum Journey Model of Instruction (MOI) Alignment* Assessment*
Curriculum Journey The Aldine Plan Identification of Skill Strategy for Instruction of Skill Assessment of Mastery of Skill Adjustment to Ensure Mastery
District Practices Developed Benchmark Targets Developed Benchmark Target Assessments Worked with Triand to develop a comprehensive Instructional Management System that includes TEKS, Benchmarks, Assessments, Lesson Plans, Resources, and a Data Analysis System Planned professional development to train teachers in scope and sequence, instructional strategies and assessment.
Model of Instruction Based on the work of Fenwick English
A System Wide Curriculum Management Plan A system wide curriculum philosophy – also in board policy System wide expectations Scope and sequence for the system Consistent curriculum guide format which is user friendly – establishes a reasonable work load Coordinated central functions including assessments Connected system wide data collection, feedback, and use in the schools (Fenwick English)
District Scope & Sequence
Theme II: Staff Selection, Leadership and Capacity Building Theme III: Instructional Programs, Practices, and Arrangements
Alignment at All Levels Leadership is the Key Board Superintendent Cabinet –6 Assistant Superintendents 5 Area Superintendents District Department Heads Building Principal Campus Staff
Building Capacity Grow-Your-Own Programs/Philosophy Paraprofessionals to Teachers Student Teachers to Aldine Teachers Academies for Teachers to APs Academy for New APs Interviews with Experienced APs with Cabinet Academy for New Principals Strong Culture of Hiring from Within the District
District Leadership-Board of Trustees Board Governance vs. District Management Policy Development to Guide District Reform and District Improvements Building Capacity to Develop Board Members
District Alignment District Guidelines, Scope and Sequence, Resources, Professional development, Assessments Based on Data Vertical Implementation based on Specific Vertical Needs including Professional development and additional Assessments Campus Level Implementation based on Specific Campus Needs including Professional Development and additional Assessments Teacher Level Implementation based on Specific Student Needs Tighter District Implementation in Times of Crisis
District Professional Development Aligned to district goals and district plan Address the acquisition, mastery, and application of academic skills Common Sessions for All Teachers Principals Trained First! Numerous additional opportunities for professional development on afternoons, Saturdays, and during summers
Vertical Professional Development The Model Classroom Project – John Samara Three part objectives Questioning strategies Rubrics and student products Quality Lessons and Instructional Alignment – Dr. Shirley Johnson Customer Service Training
Collaborative Planning Sessions Leadership Team Department Chairs Departmental Meetings Cross-Curricular Meetings
Theme IV: Monitoring, Compilation, Analysis, & Use of Data
Using Data for All Decisions Processes Programs Policies Structure Curricula Instruction Resources (HR & Stakeholder) Positive Change In Outcomes Data /Goals Planned Change
Monitoring Systems and Using Data: Common Assessments District-wide in core subjects each six weeks District-wide – 3 week assessments in science and math Campus-based assessments more frequently Provides leading data Provides 1st indication of need for intervention by teacher and student
Teacher Screen – Benchmark Exam
Teacher Collects Data from TRIAND
Team Approach Principal AP(s) Skill Specialist(s) Department / Grade Chair Teachers Program Director(s) Area Superintendent
Aldine Vertical – Bridge Building Focus on student and learning Purpose to discuss the Brutal Facts Representatives from core content areas PK – K 4 th – 5 th 6 th – 7 th 8 th – 9 th 9 th – 10 th Facilitated by Skills specialist Meetings held during school day
Theme V: Recognition, Intervention, and Adjustment
Recognitions Celebrations at each meeting-district, vertical, board meetings Celebrate Growth and Meeting Goals Publications Incentives for Teachers-State Plan (district plan discontinued APPLE Celebration
Accelerated Schools-Intervention Team Assistant Superintendent of Instruction, Area Superintendent, Program directors, and Principal. Six Weeks data meetings Brutal facts Plan of Action
Sample District Interventions Funding and Personnel Support Accelerated School Plan Professional Development District Policies-Trailer Courses, Re-teach/Reassess District Systems to Support Campus Systems-Data system, Scorecard/Data (Baldrige) District Improvement Plan Peer Review
Sample Building Interventions Transition/Prevention Program Grad Prep Math & Reading Labs Parent Conferences Academic Contracts Mandatory Tutorials Re-teach & Re-assess Pullouts & Saturday Schools Credit Recovery Program NG Make-up Classes