How To Help A Suicidal Person Kelsey Combs Period 1
Slide 2. SS uicidal people don’t joke around, so you shouldn’t joke around with their situations either. This condition is very severe. Your not supposed to keep it a secret if you know someone whose suicidal. This situation can be fixed, help is always available.
Slide 3. Suicide reports are very serious and you can always receive help to stop having suicidal feelings.
Slide 4. While dealing with a suicidal person it isn’t right to keep it quiet. You can seek professional help from doctors like physcyatrists. The crucial first step in helping a suicidal person is to recognize the problem as early as possible. - Suicidal Poem. “It takes tolerance, Not to give into death, To resist the temptation, How easy just to die. To keep on living an empty life, Takes patients from an empty person.” Suicide is tragic, but a preventable act.
Slide 5: AA teenager named Erika Monroe wrote a suicidal poem two months before her death. She was only 14, it can happen to anyone. No one else thought the poem was something a suicidal person would write. Her parents and siblings found it so shocking. Erika told her mom that she wanted to talk to her three days before the tragic incident. Her mom had to live with knowing her little girl’s life was dependent on her and she could have stopped this. Erika will always be remembered. The parents talk with their other children all the time now. They regret that day so much.
Slide 6. This topic is something that controls the human mind. It’s a disease that is preventable, but not easy to prevent. It’s something that you cannot ignore. Most of us who don’t have it wouldn’t understand the situation as something serious. We might say, “Don’t act like that, just stop, your being silly.” That’s the whole point. It’s something that their brain tells them to do. Like any other person, they listen to their own thoughts as well. What the class should remember the most about this topic is that you can always prevent it before it’s too late. Don’t judge these kinds of people it’s not their fault.
Slide 7. This section was about people who are suicidal and how it can be caused, predicted, and prevented.
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