Dublin Airport Stakeholders Forum 26 th November 2008 Irish Aviation Authority Dermot Mc Mahon
Runway 28 Operations
Dublin Noise Action Plan IAA committed to working with the DAA & Fingal Co Council to ensure that a balanced approach & Best Practice applied in dealing with noise problems To reflect the most recent advancement in navigation technology IAA plans to introduce Precision Area Navigation (P-RNAV): More accurate navigation based on geographic co-ordinates as distinct to ground navigational facilitiesMore accurate navigation based on geographic co-ordinates as distinct to ground navigational facilities Prevent drift out of environmental corridorsPrevent drift out of environmental corridors Keep arriving aircraft higher for longerKeep arriving aircraft higher for longer Facilities continuous climb for jet aircraft to 9000ftFacilities continuous climb for jet aircraft to 9000ft Planned introduction date 9th May 2009 95% of aircraft will be P-RNAV capable
Noise Abatement Procedures Thrust reduction from take off power to climb No Reverse thrust between 2300and 600hrs except for operational or safety reasons Jet aircraft on visual approach may not intercept final approach below 2000ft and shall not fly a descent path lower than 3 degrees RWY 10/28 between 0600 & 2300hrs to be used except for operational reasons e.g. crosswind>15kts RWY Prioritisation system at night between 2300hrs & 0600 hrs e.g. RWY28 for departures Environmental corridors have been established for all runways out to 5NM & up to 3000ft
Environmental Corridors