Sperm A male gamete or reproductive cell Can live for up to 5 days in a woman’s body.
Egg A female gamete or reproductive cell Must be fertilized hours after it’s releasedn
Zygote The cell that is formed after an egg and a sperm are joined
Implantation Occurs between the 7 th and 14 th day after fertilization 30%-40% of fertilized eggs do not implant
Miscarriage 31% of confirmed pregnancies can end in miscarriage 50% of unconfirmed pregnancies can end in miscarriage
Pregnancy Pregnancy is a state in which a woman carries a fertilized egg inside her body. Divided into 3 trimesters of fetal development Blood volume increases by about 50%
Important things to remember during pregnancy Healthy diet extra calories a day Nutrients: Vitamin A, Folic Acid, Calcium, Magnesium and Iron Avoidance of Alcohol and Drugs Maintaining Physical Activity