Vico Equense, 5/6 July 2012
Crisis. Readjustments. Labour reformation( New labour law). Savings Banks liquidity provisions Finantial sector collective agreement bargaining. Negative aspects that overweight the spanish finantial system: - Extra dependency on the real state market. - Hight risk loans given and low deposits number -Fix employment reduction - Finantiation credit to companys broke.
Technological changes, New skills Structural changes, Mobility career development Temporary contracts: 75% of the total workforce engaged. (Financial sector lowers to 9% ) Unemployment rate: Youngsters under 25 are finding most difficulties to get into work market actual rate is 48% To get into agreements in the banking sector( apart from long-life training ones) Age discrimination (18-25) (50-65) in the first ones, no experience, in the second ones, experience not needed !
Reconduct the national collective bargaining agreements by the social partners, taking more attention on flexible time table, part-time, shared work, etc. Regain lack of muscle of the Unions and the rest of the social partners.( shareholders, Ngo,s general public, Mps) Reinvent the Human Resources-Unions relations inside the companies and sector.( Job security items vs ageing) Higher the implementation of European Work Councils and consultation and information rights, in favour of young and aged workers.
1. Up to now, employment maintenance agreements have been signed with reference to the hiring of scholars from the university (Santander, BBVA, Popular) 2. Wide range of agrements inside biggest companies about career, life-work balance, no discrimination, gender balance, conduct codes, sabbatical year, etc. 3. Fiscal reduction of taxes for companies involving 50+ age contracts.
1. UGT has free training plans each year, cofinance by the state and UE funds for requalification of workers over 55, especilally those who lost their employ, and must adapt to new jobs in the banking sector. 2. UGT is in all the commisions in wich job security is involved, and in cases of new contracting a single copy of each contract is provided to the union, that can make a follow-up. 3. UGT has a free job vacancies database program to advise any applicant, as well as counseling, in cases of outsourcing, outplacement.
The European Union should establish a quality framework for professional practice in order to improve educational experiences. It should be financed in a sustainable way, a wide range of rights and effective policies against discrimination in the fields of education and formal and informal training, especially those based on gender and multiple discrimination, and focused on young people, youth work and youth policies Member States should cooperate with the EU to establish “ A framework of social guarantee “ that provide the jobless and young people opportunities to obtain employment, achieve higher qualification or those wishing to become self- employed, resources and financial and technical support.
Muchas gracias. ευχαριστώ πολύ Thank you very much. Mulţumesc mult Grazie mille