Central and Eastern European Networking Association Kiev, April 3-4, 2003 CEENet educational activities Jacek Gajewski, PhD
Central and Eastern European Networking Association Kiev, April 3-4, 2003 What is CEENet? CEENet - Central and Eastern European Networking Association is an international association (registered in Austria, office in Poland) of 25 national academic networking organizations (NRENs) from CEE and fSU countries. The primary mission of CEENet is the international co-ordination of the establishment and operation of NRENs.
Central and Eastern European Networking Association Kiev, April 3-4, 2003 CEENet educational activities CEENet educational activities Surveys showed that ICT education is one of major needs of CEE/fSU region. CEENet co-organizes workshops (including all logistics) on: –Network Policy (Tartu97, Tbilisi99, Bishkek01, Varna03, Baku03); –Network Managerial Methods (Yaroslavl98, Ohrid00, Zagreb02);
Central and Eastern European Networking Association Kiev, April 3-4, 2003 –Network Technology (Warsaw95, Zagreb97, Bratislava98, Budapest 96 / 99 / 00 / 01 / 02 / 03?, Tver 02) -consisting of 3 tracks: Engineering the Network (with SILK VSAT set-up in Budapest 2002) Networked Knowledge Systems Wired Education (in Russian language in Tver 2002)
Central and Eastern European Networking Association Kiev, April 3-4, 2003 CEENet educational potential ICT lecturer team of ca. 30 persons; direct contacts to educational networks in 20+ countries and to human network of ca. 550 former students, often in key positions in CEE/fSU ICT sector; Several ICT training programmes, ability to develop and implement new educational and professional programmes; 4 IT distance learning e-courses, ca. 40 designers, 20 tutors; Access to SONETA training facility in Budapest; 8 year experience in logistic and management of ICT trainings; 4 year experience in distance learning, e-course design and tutoring.
Central and Eastern European Networking Association Kiev, April 3-4, 2003 NREN Creation Support NREN creation handbook –a set of articles on creation of sustainable NRENs and sample basic documents from well established NRENs (in Russian!) NREN creation workshop –a visit of reps from emerging NRENs from fSU to CESNet, NASK, POL34, EENet
Central and Eastern European Networking Association Kiev, April 3-4, 2003 How to contact CEENet? Jacek Gajewski Tel ) , Fax (+48 22) ViennaUniversity C.C. Universitaetsstrasse 7 A-1010 Wien AUSTRIA CEENet Secretariat ul. Pasteura Warsaw POLAND URL: