The Lifecycle of a Butterfly By: Christina Jordan June 20, 2006
Stage 1: The Egg Adult female monarchs lay their eggs on the underside of milkweed leaves. The eggs hatch in 3 to 12 days.
Stage 2: The Larva (caterpillar) The larvae feed on plant leaves for two weeks and develop into caterpillars
Stage 3: The Pupa (chrysalis) The caterpillars attach themselves to a twig, shed their outer skin and begin transformation into a pupa
Stage 4: Adult Butterfly The butterfly emerges from the chrysalis. After its wings dry, it flies away!
Fun Facts: Monarch Butterflies advertise their poisonous nature with bright colors! The Milkweed plant that it eats makes it poisonous to predators
Comp. Questions: 1.Where do female Monarchs lay their eggs? 2.How do the Monarchs protect themselves from predators?
The Story of the Monarch
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