fit – International Federation of Translators An international organization of translators’ associations in five continents Council, Executive Committee, Regional Centers, Committees; Permanent Secretariat International congress every 3 years Prizes and awards Publications
fit – International Federation of Translators Translators‘ Charter UNESCO (Nairobi) recommendation International Translation Day FIT 50-Year Anniversary Contacts to CISAC, etc.
FIT Committee for Court Interpreting and Legal Translation Liese Katschinka, Chairperson Christiane Driesen, Germany Danuta Kierszkowska, Poland Nancy Schweda-Nicholson, USA Satu Leinonen, Finland Monique Rouzet-Lelièvre, France
FIT Committee for Court Interpreting and Legal Translation The mandate of the Committee: To organize international meetings as a platform for legal translators and court interpreters to meet and exchange opinions and experiences; To participate in international projetcs concerning LTCI; To assist national associations in implementing their public tasks; To contribute to promoting the professional status of legal translators and court interpreters; To ensure adequate dissemination of information about legal translation and court interpreting.
Procedural Rights in Criminal Proceedings February 2002: EU Commission sent out a questionnaire to Ministries of Justice and Home Affairs April 2004: Proposal for a Council Framework Decision on certain procedural rights in criminal proceedings Still pending
Procedural Rights in Criminal Proceedings The right to legal advice, including the level of legal aid; The right to interpretation and translation for non-native defendants; The right to specific attention for persons who cannot understand or follow the proceedings; The right to communication and/or consular assistance; The way in which the suspect/defendant is notified of his/her rights (“Letter of Rights”)
Procedural Rights in Criminal Proceedings The right to free interpretation The right to free translation of relevant documents Accuracy of the translation and interpretation Recording the proceedings Recognition of case law of European Court of Human Rights – European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms