Age at entry from 22 yrs to 50 yrs Renewal upto 75 yrs The proposer has to choose tenure or term for which he would like to take insurance usually such tenure or term is 5 yrs, 10 yrs, 15 yrs, 20 yrs, 25 yrs.
Sum insured in two options Rs. 1,00,000 Rs. 2,00,000 No pre-acceptance medical screening.
Cover: Policy respond only in case of the following major illness Permanent hemi-plegia or permanent quadraplegia resulting from cerebral vascular attack
Confirmed cancer Total loss of vision due to any disease
Renal transplant resulting from end-stage renal failure Liver transplant resulting from end-stage liver failure
This policy is on BENEFIT basis – that is once the insured person is diagnosed with any of the major illness the policy sum insured is paid.
Special features At the end of the policy tenure additional period of cover is provided for one year absolutely at no premium. In addition to the above after completion of the tenure and such free additional period a CASH INCENTIVE equivalent to a min. of 10 % to 17.5% of cumulated premium paid.
CONDITIONS: The occurrence of the major disease/s must be confirmed by any doctor appointed by the company and must be supported by diagnostic evidences. A survival period of 60 days would apply after diagnosis for payment of lump-sum
Tenure once opted cannot be changed after commencement of the first policy. Sum insured can be changed only after completion of the additional period of cover. Group policies cannot be issued.
In case of any break in insurance the tenure will commence afresh from the date of payment of premium. Section 80-D benefit available.
Age bandS.I. Premium entry age 22 to35 and renewal of the same policy Premium entry age band and renewal of the same policy Premium entry age band and renewal of the same policy ,00, ,00, ,00, ,00, ,00, ,00, ,00, ,00, ,00, ,00,
Rates of cash incentive for different tenure Tenure% of cash incentives 10 years10 % of the cumulated premium 15 years12.5 % of the cumulated premium 20 years15 % of the cumulated premium 25 years17.5 % of the cumulated premium
Exclusions Congenital diseases/defects PED will not be covered Alcoholic cirrhosis In-situ cancers other that skin cancers War and nuclear perils HIV and AIDS