04 March 2014 MassMotion Setting up MassMotion scenarios with Schedules and Timetables 6.1
2 Today’s Team Peter Debney Application Specialist
4 Agent schedules govern the creation of agents during a simulation. Schedules describe the number of agents to create, when agents should be created, where they should be placed, and their final destinations. Schedules also specify the profile used by all generated agents as well as an optional action to be applied as each agent is placed in the scene.
7 What are Timetables Timetable objects allow for the rapid and potentially automated creation of large numbers of agent schedules and events The timetable information is generated from a series of csv files and is only read during validation and simulation. Internal reference events can be used to coordinate the synchronization of different components within the timetable. The timetable system has been designed with maximum flexibility in mind.
8 Timetable files Reference Events Import, export, or clear the embedded reference event data. A reference event entry specifies a time, duration, and location. These event can be used by other sections of the timetable such as agent schedules, gate events, evacuation events, or action events. Agent Schedules Import, export, or clear the embedded agent schedule data. Each schedule entry creates a specified number of agents with particular origins and destinations. Curves Import, export, or clear the embedded curve data. Each curve entry defines an arrival profile or distribution that can be used by the agent schedules. Locations Import, export, or clear the embedded location data. Each location entry defines a collection of portals with corresponding distributions or membership weights. Locations can be used by reference events, agent schedules, or evacuation events. Gates Import, export, or clear the embedded gate data. Each gate entry defines a collection of gate actors and can be referenced by gate events. Gate Events Import, export, or clear the embedded gate event data. Each gate event entry will open a collection of gates for a specified interval. The gate event can be used on its own or in combination with the reference event. Evacuation Events Import, export, or clear the embedded evacuation event data. Each evacuation event entry will broadcast a single evacuation over the specified interval. Action Events Import, export, or clear the embedded action event data. Each action event entry will apply the specified action to agents over the specified interval.
9 Reference Event file column headers Reference event name Start time Duration (optional) Location Init Action (optional) Give Tokens (optional)
10 Schedule file column headers From To Population Time offset (optional) Curve (optional) Avatar (optional) Profile (optional) Init Action (optional) Give Tokens (optional, variable)
11 Curve file column headers Curve name Interval duration Values (variable)
12 Location file column headers Group name Use Closest Goal (optional) Portals Names… (variable)
13 Gate file columns headers Group Name Gate Names… (variable)
14 Gate Event file columns headers Reference Event Name (optional) Time Offset (optional) Duration (optional) Apply only to Reference Event Key Token (optional) Gates… (variable)
15 Action Event file column headers Reference Event Name optional Time Offset optional Duration Apply only to Reference Event Key Token optional Target Zone optional Action Give Tokens… optional variable
16 Evacuation Event file column headers Reference Event Name optional Time Offset optional Duration Apply only to Reference Event Key Token optional Target Zone optional Pre-Movement Distribution not yet used Location optional Give Tokens… optional variable
18 Other examples
Peter Debney –