1 Periodical Peter Pagano & Stephen Burkat Classification Specialist Pricing & Classification Service Center November 28, 2007
2 Periodicals Changes Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act (New Law) Requester category publications eligible for in-county & special rates Effective August 30, 2007
3 Periodicals Changes Requesters may now apply for nonprofit rates Must submit PS Form 3510 and supporting documentation –IRS Determination Letter –Articles of Incorporation –Other Formative Papers No fee for 3510
4 In-County Rates When do In-County rates apply? All publications, including requester publications, are eligible for In-County rates
5 In-County Rates Periodicals entered in the county where the original entry is located if one of the following is met: –Total paid or requested circulation is less than 10,000 copies, or –The number of paid/requested copies distributed within the county of publication is more than 50% of the total paid/requested circulation
6 In-County Rates - Exceptions If the Postmaster directs the publisher to deposit copies at a postal facility serving that office When the entry office serving that address is outside the county Entered within the county in which published, but distributed outside that county by a route that originates in the county of publication
7 In-County Rates - Exceptions Publication has original entry at an incorporated city situated entirely within a county or contiguous to one or more counties in the same state, but politically independent of such county or counties, is considered part of the county with which it is principally contiguous. Where more than one county is involved, the publisher selects the principal county and notifies the Postmaster
8 New Launch Program “New Launch” Periodicals application procedure Effective August 30, 2007 Alternative process to apply For general, requester categories Revised PS Form 3500
9 Allows publishers a 15 month ramp up period to build up their subscriber/requester base to qualify Pay Standard Mail Rates Receive Periodicals service New Launch Program
10 New Launch Program PS Form 3500 revisions Letter of request Business Plan Part B or Part C may be blank when application is received Amended PS Form 3500 with Part A or Part C completed will be submitted
11 New Launch Program USPS will review PS Form 3500 for completeness Review publication You should submit application, marked copy of the publication, letter of request, and business plan to the PCSC PCSC will send acknowledgement letter PCSC schedules a review and verification of circulation
12 The publication name must be shown on the front or cover page in a position, and in a type, style, and size that clearly distinguishes it from the publisher’s name or other items Periodicals - Titles
13 No portion of the publication’s title, addressee’s name and address, ancillary endorsement, required name and return address, USPS or ISSN, or Periodicals Imprint, may be obscured. Periodicals – Printed Features
14 The publication title must be displayed prominently on the publication and any protective cover. Periodicals - Titles
15 When we find these irregularities during acceptance, we would not refuse the mail. Report them to the publisher. Report repeated instances to the PCSC. Periodicals – Obscured Titles
16 Periodicals – Obscured Titles Titles not as easily recognized Title must be included Also place title on spine of publication
17 Questions? Peter PaganoStephen Burkat Classification Specialist Pricing & Classification Service Center