Set up your page for today… Turn to the next blank page in your notebook (on the back of yesterday’s notes), number it 2, and title it Lab Safety. Today’s.


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Presentation transcript:

Set up your page for today… Turn to the next blank page in your notebook (on the back of yesterday’s notes), number it 2, and title it Lab Safety. Today’s date is On the next line, write the video title “Zombie College – Lab Safety”. Draw lines to create columns for Cornell Notes (see the board).

Today’s Essential Question: How do I stay safe during labs? Today’s Standard: demonstrate safe practices during lab investigations

Five Rules of Lab Safety 1.Dress for lab 2.Personal protective equipment 3.Chemical safety 4.Safety equipment 5.Lab behavior

General Lab Procedures Never touch lab equipment without a teacher’s permission. Always wear your lab safety goggles and lab apron when in the lab. Pull back long hair. Wear closed-toe shoes during a lab. Do not touch/turn on water or gas faucets without a teacher’s permission. If you normally wear contacts, it is best to wear glasses in the lab. If you wear contacts during a lab, be sure to tell your teacher.

General Lab Procedures Do not directly sniff any substance in a lab. Always waft! Never eat or put lab materials in your mouth. Do not chew gum in the lab. Follow directions exactly as they are given. If you have a question on a lab procedure, ask before going on. If there is an emergency, something is spilled, or glass is broken, tell your teacher immediately.

Lab CHAMPs C – Talk only to your group unless asking for help; conversations must be ON TOPIC! H – Ask 3 then me. A – Do not touch any materials until asked; complete all activities; wear appropriate safety gear. M – Stay with your group. P – HEAD UP; follow directions as given; all group members participating.

Fire Emergency Evacuation Plan Follow the route your teacher describes. Gather at your assigned area when outside. Look for your teacher, holding up a sign with his/her room number. Remain with your teacher until told to go inside (attendance will be taken). When we return to the building, go directly back to class.

Lab Safety Equipment Goggles Aprons Eye Wash station* Safety Shower* Fire blanket/extinguisher* Emergency Passes* Items with a (*) by them are to only be used during an emergency. Your teacher will notify you when it is appropriate to use one of these items.

WHAT IS HAPPENING?! With a partner at your table, look at the lab picture on the following slide. On the next blank page in your notebook, write down everything you see that is going WRONG. When you finish, make a lab safety rule poster to correct one of the “wrongs.” The BEST posters will be hung in the classroom!

Before you go… You have homework tonight! Watch the video about Characteristics of Life and take Cornell Notes on the next blank page in your notebook. You will need it for tomorrow’s activity! eristics-of-life/ /?ref=app The video is also on my website.