Resumes that Land in the “A” Pile Shira Harrington Purposeful Hire, Inc
The job market is tight (no kidding!) Recruiters receiving volumes of resumes Minimal time to review your credentials Key words are KEY! No time to respond to every applicant
Resumes for the job you WANT Focus on career goals not just past experience Make it easy for recruiters to say YES! Customize your resume for the job
Focus on your career goals Find your TRIBE…Pick your LANE Identify competencies and passions – What do you REALLY want to do? “Title” your resume Highlight your competencies
Resume tips…some basics How many typos are acceptable? MSWord vs. pdf How many pages? Are cover letters actually read?
Resume tips…formatting Make it easy on the eyes Most important information “above the fold” Font choice Page border Save in.docx and.txt
Resume tips…contact info List your “real” name Professional address City, state ONLY (not full address) Cell phone & land line (if possible) List your LinkedIn profile
Summary of Qualifications Focus on career goals, not just past experience List 6-9 competencies Focus on keywords in job announcement CUSTOMIZE, CUSTOMIZE, CUSTOMIZE!
Listing your experience Years of experience Company or title first? 2-line summary of job duties Bullets vs. paragraphs Chronological vs. functional
Your accomplishments Label accomplishments with bulleted competencies How did you impact bottom line? Use action verbs Prioritize according to job specs
Concluding data Where and how to list education Awards, memberships, etc. No personal information! References / salary on separate sheet
Questions? Shira Harrington Purposeful Hire, Inc