1 Embedded Computer System Laboratory Systematic Embedded Software Gerneration from SystemC
Embedded Computer System Laboratory 2 Contents Abstract Introduction Software Generation Application Example Conclusion
Embedded Computer System Laboratory 3 Abstract Systematic embedded software generation method Software generation cost reduction HW/SW codesign methodology embedded system based on SystemC Goal The same SystemC code system level spec, verification, SW/HW co-simulation, embedded software generation (after SW/HW partition) C++ code (for SW partition) user selected embedded OS
Embedded Computer System Laboratory 4 Introduction Embedded software 80% of embedded system development costs. Embedded system RTL description for HW part and SW part seperately. The lack of unifying system specification language. SystemC one of the most promising proposals. efficient SW generation & interface synthesis
Embedded Computer System Laboratory 5 Introduction (cont’) Efficient embedded software and interface generation methodology from SystemC Redefinition & overloading of SystemC class library el- ements Original code call the SystemC function to process concurrency & commu- nication New code call the RTOS function that implement the equivalent functio- nality SystemC functions are replaced by typical RTOS func- tions in the generated software. Independent of the embedded RTOS
Embedded Computer System Laboratory 6 Software Generation Embedded software generated from system specification after SW/HW partition SW code including several RTOS function calls to process concurrency and synchronization a close relationship between RTOS and SystemC kernel fun ction that support concurrency SystemC channel use notify & wait constructions to synchroni- zation the data transfer and process execution RTOS use different mechanisms for this tasks (interruption, m- utex, flags, … ) Every SystemC channel can be implemented with different RT- OS functions.
Embedded Computer System Laboratory 7 Software Generation (cont’) Main idea Software generation method is based on correlation. Replacing SystemC library elements by equivalent procedures based on RTOS functions.
Embedded Computer System Laboratory 8 Software Generation (cont’) Proposed SW generation flow.
Embedded Computer System Laboratory 9 Software Generation (cont’) SystemC elements replaced
Embedded Computer System Laboratory 10 Software Generation (cont’) SystemC description example
Embedded Computer System Laboratory 11 Application example Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) ARM7TDMI processor eCos as embedded RTOS SystemC-to-eCos Library (SC2ECOS) Ecos functions called by the SC2ECOS Library
Embedded Computer System Laboratory 12 Application example (cont’) Memory footprint for the ABS SW implementation
Embedded Computer System Laboratory 13 Conclusions Embedded software generation method based on SystemC Reducing the embedded system design cost in HW/SW codesign Same SystemC is used for system level spec. after SW/HW parti- tion Redefinition and overloading SystemC class library contruction elements. Elements are replaced by RTOS functions. Independent of the selected RTOS Supported by writing the corresponding library for that replacement
Embedded Computer System Laboratory 14 Conclusions (cont’) Experimental results The minimum memory footprint is 53.2Kb when the eCos RTOS is used. This overhead is relatively low taking into account the great advantages that it offers.