The Meaning of Culture Chapter 2 – Section 1
What Is Culture?
Culture Shared products of human groups Physical objects Beliefs, values, and behavior
Material Culture? Nonmaterial Culture? Society Organization of a independent group of people What do they organize?
Components of Culture
Technology Combination of objects and rules Symbols
Language Organization of written and spoken symbols into a standardized system Values Shared beliefs
Norms Shared rules of conduct Folkways Socially acceptable behavior
Mores Laws Great moral significance for society The written rules of conduct in society
Cultural Traits Culture Complexes Culture Patterns Simple levels of culture Culture Complexes Cluster of interrelated traits Culture Patterns Combination of culture complexes
Cultural Variation Chapter 2 – Section 2
What Do We Have in Common Cultural Universal All cultures have the same needs – Why are they different? Family as cultural universal
Variations Among Societies Cultural differences Inherited characteristics Cultural influences
The Arapesh Society based on complete cooperation Shared work responsibilities between women and men Marriage arrangements for girls
The Mundugumor Headhunter Hostility between family members Men and women extremely aggressive Hostility between family members Fathers linked to daughter Mothers linked to sons
Comparing the Two Societies Arapesh – living in the mountains Farmers Mundugumor – living in a river valley Gatherer
Studying Variation Ethnocentrism Tendency to see one’s own culture and group as superior
Cultural Relativism Different cultures should be judged by their own standards Example – India
Variation Within Society Subculture Values, norms and behaviors not shared with the entire population Groups add diversity
Counterculture Groups reject major values, norms and practices of the larger society Replaced by new set of cultural pattern Do they become a threat to society?