The Minoan World: mid-2M B.C.E.
Sir Arthur Evans
Artist ’ s Recreation of Knossos
Aerial View of Knossos
Palace of King Minos – North Entrance
Palace of King Minos - Interiors
Palace of King Minos – Throne Room
Bull Cult
Bull Jumping Fresco
Minoan Trade “Bireme” ship Coast of Crete
Minoan Artistic “ Motifs ”
Early Writing System: “ Linear A ” (Undecipherable) Canon?
What caused the End of the Minoan Civilization?? What caused the End of the Minoan Civilization??
The Mycenaean World: mid-2M B.C.E.
Sir Heinrich Schliemann
View of Mycenae archaeological“tell”
Aerial View of Mycenae
Approach to the Lion ’ s Gate
Lion ’ s Gate Entrance to Mycenae
Mask of Agammemnon
Mycenae Citadel & Reconstuction
Mycenaean Writing System: “ Linear B ”
Bronze Age Enemies: The Trojan War
What were the real & mythical causes of the Trojan War?? What were the real & mythical causes of the Trojan War??
Helen of Troy: “ The Face That Launched 1000 Ships ” What did she look like?
Plan of the City of Troy
The Seven “ Layers ” of Ancient Troy Homer’s Troy (VII)
Original Wall of the City of Troy
Wall of Troy Recreated
King Priam ’ s Treasure
Sofie Schliemann With King Priam ’ s Jewelry
Homer, the Blind Poet
Homer ’ s View of the World
Homer ’ s Great Epics
Troy Grave Circles
Brutal Combat
The “ Trojan Horse ” ?
Evolution of Our Alphabet: From Phoenician to Latin
The Dialects of Ancient Greek
Greek Alphabet:
Fraternities and Sororities at U of M: Gamma Sigma Alpha, Rho Lambda, Omicron Delta Kappa, Pi Kappa Phi, Sigma Chi, Alpha Delta Pi, Alpha Phi Omega, Lamba Chi AlphaGamma Sigma Alpha, Rho Lambda, Omicron Delta Kappa, Pi Kappa Phi, Sigma Chi, Alpha Delta Pi, Alpha Phi Omega, Lamba Chi Alpha
The Rise of the Greek Polis Athens NaxosCorinth Syracuse Larissa Eboea