Questions from last week ?
Jesus is Lord. He is not a helpful advisor but Lord. Your a slave His word has preeminence over my logic and smarts. Suffering and Tribulation in the worldHope A life of meaning irrespective of the evidence. The pay off will be in eternity with Jesus. Deferred annuity If this doesn’t motivate you- You will not make it to the end If I am a Christian what is in it for me?
1050 BC to 931 BC “TRUST” R & F Israeli Empire Saul * David Solomon Joash Amaziah Uzziah Jotham 100 years of Good Kings Judean Empire “Half-Hearted” 835 BC 735 BC Ahaz Hezekiah Manasseh Amon * Josiah Jehoahaz Jehoiakim Zedekiah Jehoiachin Years of Swing in the Judean Empire “Hope” 609 BC 722 BC Defeated and disbursed by Assyria Diaspora Good Judah – 19/1 Rehoboam Abijam Asa *Jehoshaphat Jehoram Ahaziah Athaliah Israel – 18 Jeroboam Nadab Baasha Elah Zimri Omri Ahab Ahaziah Joram Jehu Jehoahaz Jehoash Jeroboam Zechariah Menahem Shallum Pekahiah Pekah Hoshea Rebellion Conflict of Alliances Entanglement toYoking 931 BC 873 BC Good }
Joash Amaziah Uzziah Jotham 100 years of Good Kings Judean Empire “Half-Hearted” 835 BC 735 BC Joash Amaziah Uzziah Jotham 100 years of Good Kings Judean Empire “Half-Hearted” Athaliah Ahaz Mixed accountability 52 years, great warrior and king, prideful and burned incense-- leporcy Didn’t burn incense High Places
Accountability Accountability is conferred not commanded. It does not have to be mutual. They should be your superior in the matter of accountability, i.e. money, health, spiritual You must respond with I will or I won’t. Take the counsel seriously and respond to the giver. You must be willing to listen and be honest with self and listen. It shouldn’t be your wife
How should we view God’s Purpose in our life Two Questions: Acts 9:5 And he said, "Who are You, Lord?" Then the Lord said, "I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting. It is hard for you to kick against the goads." 6 So he, trembling and astonished, said, "Lord, what do You want me to do?" Then the Lord said to him, "Arise and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do." We spend more time here and not here
Purpose Objectives Activities Purpose Objectives Activities
GOD 100% Husband, Wife Dad, Mom Child Person of God and growing Person sibling worker Family Ties Table Discussion: Do I have the right accountability in my life? “Who are you Lord” Accountability Here
Psalm 103:7 He made known His ways to Moses, His acts to the children of Israel.. Do you know His ways or am I a student of His acts? 1 Co 4:1 Let a man so consider us, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God.
Luke 8:10 NKJ And He said, "To you it has been given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God, but to the rest it is given in parables, that 'Seeing they may not see, And hearing they may not understand.' Mystery used 29 times in the bible and all in the New Testament.
To Do Take time now and note a few things you will start tomorrow to know the ways of God. Some ways to learn the ways: Be a student of the word Apply the word-even when you are misunderstood Have a consistent quiet time- time alone with God Discuss the issue with fellow believers
Ahaz Hezekiah Manasseh Amon * Josiah Jehoahaz Jehoiakim Zedekiah Jehoiachin Years of Swing in the Judean Empire “Hope” 609 BC 722 BC Israel Defeated and Diaspora to Assyria 695 BC Restore Worship— Alliance in Worship 586 BC Judah Defeat and Diaspora to Babylon Years of Swing in the Judean Empire “Hope”
Six truths on Hope We gain hope through suffering, Romans 5:3-5 We hope in the direction of our fear. We hope in God and He tells what to hope for…Matt 6:19-21 What you hope in will eventually determine what you hope for and who you depend on to deliver the answer to your hope…2 nd coming Hope is the prime motivator. Hope will determine your God It last forever…1 co 13:13
Illustration Hope Faith..g..K..SC..P..G..BK…Love Applications 2 Peter 1:5-11
Connie and I enjoyed all of you.