Anders Gunneriusson Swedish Transport Agency
European system Commission, Council and Parliament Regional harmonization of trade and competition Through directives and regulations Frame regulations on vehicle approvals Ex. Type approval and masses & dimensions National exemptions
UN ECE WP Agreement Regulations Working groups
Informal Working Groups AEBS/LDWS Advanced Emergency Braking System Lane Departure Warning System Mandatory on new trucks
ACV Automated Connection in between Vehicles Fully automated coupling procedure without driver operation. Amending text in R13 on brakes.
MVC Modular Vehicle Combination Harmonization of technical requirement for type approval of vehicles to be part of a Modular system. Ex. Dolly, brakes, stability
LKAS Lane Keeping Assist System Keeps the vehicle within the lane. Harmonize some general requirements.
R55 Regulation on couplings. Introduce coupling performance calculation methods for vehicle combinations with more then one trailer.
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