8B Unit 5 Vocabulary ---- suffixes Fun with English
World Vision UNICEFOxfam ORBIS World Wide Fund for Nature
Smile Angel Foundation 嫣然天使基金会 Chinese Red Cross Foundation
The foundation was set up by Wang Fei and Li Yapeng in Their daughter, Li Yan, was born with a cleft lip ( 唇裂 ). This foundation is named after their daughter. It will help children under 14 years old. The foundation has raised much money. With that, doctors treat many children in poor areas.They do not have to pay for the treatment. The doctors will operate on the boy.He will take an operation for free. Thanks to the foundation, most illness can be cured( 治疗 ).
found + ation = foundation treat + ment = treatment operate + tion = operation ill + ness = illness verb / adjective+ noun suffix 动词 / 形容词 + 后缀 => 名词
Suffixes “- ment”, “-ness”, and “-ion” We can form nouns by adding “- ment”, “-ness”, or “-ion” to some verbs and adjectives. ORBIS doctors treat many patients.The patients do not have to pay for the treatment. Many people are blind.Most cases of blindness can be cured or prevented. The doctor will operate on the patient.He will perform an operation.
People are very kind. Thanks for their ___________. kindness
adj. + ness = n. illness richness kindness sickness sadness darkness busy ugly happy iness - y + iness kind kindness
Companies advertise in the newspaper. There are many _________________ in the newspaper. advertisements
v. + ment = n. advertise advertisement treat improve advertise agree develop excite ment ment
Many friends invite me to their weddings. I have got many _______ from my friends. invitations
v.+ tion ( ion) = n. invite invitation donat educat pollut celebrat ion ion ion ion invent collect attract exhibit + ion e -e + ion ion ion ion ion -e + tion organiz invit prepar e ation introduc produc tion tion e -e + ation
Let’s do some exercises !
Change verbs and adjectives into nouns (1)advertise ________ (7)punish___________ (2)collect__________ (8)improve__________ (3)develop_________ (9)kind_____________ (4)rich____________(10)organize_________ (5)donate__________(11)ugly __________ (6)educate_________(12)sick______________ advertisement collection development richness donation education punishment improvement kindness organization ugliness sickness
advertise educate improve kind organize sick Dear Amy I heard an _________ for UNICEF on the radio. UNICEF is an ________ that works to ______the lives of children. UNICEF wants to make the world a better place for children. It believes that all children should be able to receive _______ and be helped when they are_____.They should also be treated with ______. Daniel advertisement organization improve education sick kindness
Work out the rule: 动词 v. 形容词 adj. suffix Noun verb adjective + ment + ness + ion
( Class group competition! ) Make money to donate to Sichuan. Rule: Divide the class into 4 groups, each group choose a foundation, then answer the questions to make money for Sichuan. * you can get the money in it if you answer correctly; ** You should answer a question within 3 seconds.
( 小组竞赛 ! ) 为四川灾区赢取慈善公益基金. 规则 : 屏幕上提供四家慈善基金组织 全班分为四组, 自主选择一家机构并作为代表 回答正确可赢取相应的公益基金 * 每题每组只有 3 秒思考时间,若 3 秒内仍无法给出正确 答案,其他小组可抢答,抢答正确可获得相应基金。
( Class group competition! ) Make money to donate to Sichuan.
将以下动词或形容词变换成名词形式 ( ¥ 600) ¥ 100 1) All of the students like her because of her ______( kind ). ¥ 200 2) We made _____________( advertise ) on TV. ¥ 100 3) The patients don’t have to pay for the ________( treat ). ¥ 100 4) He is doing an _________(operate) now. 用所给单词的适当形式填空 1.move 4.cold 2.agree 5.organize 3.careless 6.happy ment ness ation iness kindness advertisements treatment operation Total : ¥ 1100
将以下名词还原成动词或形容词 ( ¥ 600) 用所给单词的适当形式填空 collection production treatment invitation ugliness movement ¥ 200 1)Our city needs a better ___________(develop). ¥ 100 2)The _____________(advertise) of KFC is very interesting. ¥ 200 3)Be more careful with your _________. (act) ¥ 100 4) Students can get good ___________(educate) in China. collect treat ugly produce invite move development advertisement action education Total : ¥ 1200
将以下动词或形容词变换成名词形式 ( ¥ 600) 句子改错 educate sad kind organize improve busy 1.Thanks for your invitetion. ¥ The doctor will operation on his sick leg tomorrow. ¥ It is difficult for them to get an agreeness. ¥ Can you read the introduce of the production ? ¥ 200 ion ness ment ness ation iness invitation. operate agreement. introduction Total : ¥ 1300
将以下名词还原成动词或形容词 ( ¥ 600) sickness gladness invitation introduction donation blindness 句子改错 1.He is busy doing an operatetion now. 2.Patients will remember the kindment of doctors forever. 3.The excitement children were clapped with excitement. 4.There is too much movtion of cars on the city road. sick invite donate glad introduce blind operation kindness movement excited ¥ 100 ¥ 200 ¥ 100 Total : ¥ 1100
Let’s learn some more ! perform produce visit begin camp performer producer visitor beginning camping appeare perform different safe difficult appearance performance difference safety difficulty
rush-to-answer questions ( 抢答题 )
I feel very nervous at the _________ of the show. (begin) ¥ 100 beginning
It is woderful to go _________ outside. (camp) camping ¥ 100
Nancy Jackson is the ____________ of the CD-ROM. (design) designer
¥ 200 Those _________ costumes are colourful. (perform) performers’
I enjoy the __________ of the charity show. (perform) ¥ 100 performance
The policemen carried them to _______. (safe) ¥ 200 safety
We will show the _______ around our school. (visit) ¥ 100 visitors
¥ Would you like to go ____________ with us? (birdwatch) birdwatching
Let’s have a try ! (Finish the exercises on the paper.)
Write a passage 1. 汶川地震一周年了,我们想做些事情 2. 地震中很多学校倒塌 (fall down) ,学生生活 中充满的悲伤,没有得到好的教育 3. 很多组织帮助了他们,我们也打算组织一个汶 川地震的展览来为他们募集钱,帮助他们重建校 园, 相信我们做得这些事情一定能让他们的生活充 满欢乐! Useful expressions: be full of sadness get better education organization/ organize an exhibition rebuild schools happy/happiness Help students in Wenchuan Earthquake