Caddie “Tom’s hair was the darkest, Caddies was nearest to gold, and Warren’s was plain carrot color”.Pg.1 Physical characteristic She had beautiful hair.
Tom “Tom looked at Caddie and Warren with a superior smile.” Pg. 28 Personality characteristic He was showing off
Warren “Tom and Warren sensing Caddie in danger began leaping over desks to reach her tormentor.”Pg.58 Personality characteristic He cared about his sister.
Setting “Dogs ran at her, barking, and there was a warm smell of smoke in the air. A fire was blazing in the center of the clearing.” Pg.118 The people thought Indians were going to massacre them so Caddie went to warn them.
Setting #2 “The wild cherry trees put on dresses of white, like brides or young ladies at their first ball.” Pg.181 It was a beautiful time to be outside. It was fall so the leaves were beautiful red and orange colors. The Woodlawns don’t have school in the fall so they were home all day.
Problem #1 One problem is that the people of the town thought the Indians would massacree. The people all went to Caddie’s house so that they would all be protected. The men would carry guns when they took a walk outside. But the Woodlawn children were delighted because there were always children around.
Problem #2 Father gets a letter from England, where he grew up, saying they want to pass on the family fortune to him but to do that he would have to give up American citizenship so he decides to let the family vote because he thought it was unfair to make them go even if they don’t want to.
Problem #3 There is a fire at the school house and who but Obediah Jones (ex-worst kid in class became the best when Miss Parker whipped him) set the example of beating the fire away with large logs so the fire wouldn’t light the school house on fire.
How did I like it? I liked some parts but other parts were plain boring. I liked the chapters where Annabelle came and they played pranks on her. Once they put an egg in her shirt!!!
Who should read it? I think anybody who likes a book about pranks, adventure, and mystery should read this book. You should read this book because, it is a good book you just have to read the good stuff.
Goodbye with information. Book Level:6.0 Points:8.0 Historical Fiction